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1999 Constitution a “Rotten Egg” – Robert Clarke

Elder statesman, Robert Clarke has described the 1999 Constitution of Nigeria as a “rotten egg”, stressing that we can never make any progress with it.

Clarke, a Senior Advocate of Nigeria, SAN, made the statement on Monday while appearing on AriseTVs’ ‘Morning Show’.

He went further to state that:
“Outside the fact that it was a constitution written by the military, the whole concept of it doesn’t promote national growth.

A constitution that allows a man to be the governor for 8 years, after finishing that eight years, he goes to prison, what sort of constitution is that?

The constitution that allows a pauper who had nothing to enter that assembly to serve the public comes out today 5 or 8 years as a multi-millionaire, that is not the type of Constitution we want.

A constitution which allows 80% of the revenue of the country to be used in sustaining governance, that is no Constitution, that constitution has to be rewritten.

The Constitution, with the revenue Nigeria has, cannot maintain 36 States. This can only be maintained if there’s enough revenue accruable to this country.”

Clarke opined that the only way to come out of the of the various troubles facing the country is to restructure Nigeria into 8 geographical zones.

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