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Enugu Govt Vows to Shutdown Institutions that Observes Sit-at-home

Enugu State government on Tuesday, vowed to close down schools and markets observing the illegal one week sit-at-home order by Simon Ekpa.

This was contained in a statement signed by Professor Chidiebere Onyia, Secretary to the State Government.

News Band gathered that some schools and businesses in Enugu State did not open for operation in apparent obidience to the sit-at-home declared by the Finland-based criminal agitator, Simon Ekpa.

Though, this is despite a statement by the leadership of the proscribed Indigenous People of Biafra that it didn’t declare any sit-at-home.

Enugu State government in a statement while vowing to punish institutions observing the sit-at-home said, “The attention of the Enugu State Government has been drawn to reports on social media this Tuesday morning that proprietors of private schools in the state are sending messages to their pupils and students to the effect that they should not come to school from today on account of the illegal one week sit-at-home order allegedly declared by faceless non-state actors in the state.

“The Enugu State Government is alarmed and dismayed by this development and hereby warns that any school that fails to open and function normally from today will have its license revoked immediately.

“The Enugu State Government also extends the same warning to market unions and shop owners in the state. All markets and shops in the various markets must be open to customers from today or be shut down indefinitely.

Government reiterates its ban on any form of illegal sit-at-home in all parts of the state, as it is evil and antithetical to all values we hold dear as a people, such as the Igbo spirit of industry, hardwork, creativity and productivity.

“The general public is urged to go about their normal daily activities as adequate security measures have been put in place to protect lives and property.

“Government will no longer sit by and watch faceless groups and misguided individuals issue illegal orders, dictating to us how to lead our lives, when to go to work or market and when our children go to school, while they ply their trade and their children go to school. This is no longer acceptable and must be confronted and defeated with every power and resources at our disposal.

“The State Government also warns that it will deploy the full instrumentality of the law such as the Cybercrime Act 2015 to go after and prosecute anybody, individuals, groups and organisations intentionally encouraging the illegal sit-at-home order, instilling fear on residents, raising false alarm to disturb public peace, etc, through fake news sharing and propagation of falsehood connected with the illegal sit-at-home order on social media platforms such as Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, etc.

“This, however, is by no means, depriving citizens freedom of speech and information as enshrined in the constitution.”


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