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Good Governance Ministry(GGM) Congratulates Prof Kingsley Moghalu

The GGM family heartily extends her felicitations to Prof Kingsley Moghalu, Ifekaego 1 of Nnewi, on his appointment as the pioneer President of African School of Governance.

GGM has followed your activities over the years and has come to the conclusion that this appointment will launch you to global Leadership role .You will definitely make the entire Africa proud and we have no doubt that humanity will benefit from your wealth of experience.

We equally envisage that it will be a matter of time before your trademark innovations and bespoke reforms will start reverbating first from the institution and subsequently across the length and breath of Africa and beyond.

The opportunity of this appointment is golden as well as timely in the sense that it is an important threshold in attempt at bold fusioning of Africanism into a new world order where the brightest and Smartest will reign supreme.

You will have our Support in this onerous journey of Self-emancipation and enhancement of Africa and by extension the Upliftment of Mankind in general

Once again, Congratulations!!!!!!



Comrade Henry Ebubeogu

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