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The worst thing that can happen to our people is building skyscraper on sinking sand because when the flood or wind will come, it will blow it away to the hurt or discouragement of my people. Having said that; I expected my people to be happy with a mud house built on a rock; with time, we will gather materials to build a skyscraper on that same rocky foundation and the sky will not be our limit. I urge my people to always accept my position with a pinch of salt; everything is working for the restoration of Biafra and the security of our effort and emotion. I have the simple belief that Biafra is now or never; we are on the last phase of the struggle and cannot afford selfish mistakes.

When IPOB leaders lie to remain relevant or to convince their strategy is working, they don’t only deceive the people but themselves. Whenever a Biafran group resorts to lies, the Holy Spirit of Biafra leaves the group. How come IPOB said UN invited them to discuss Biafra face to face while IPOB only voluntarily went to UN office in Geneva to submit Kanu’s (mother and father) enforced disappearance complaint during UN Human Right Commission Working Group 116th Session. Fortunately, this deceit is testament to the fact IPOB has finished the divine awareness mission it was divinely assigned. God has left and the anointing like during Saul has left and to please and desperately hold empty ground leads to lies.

The picture featured in this article is the very tag Uchemefor had which gave him access to UN building in Geneva. If you zoom the picture- tag; you have something like this ‘HRC/WG on Enforced and Involun’ 116th session of the WGEID’. The first abbreviation means ‘Human Right Commission/Working Group’ on Enforced and Involuntary Disappearance. The second line on the tag ; you have ‘116th session of the WGEID which means ‘ this is the 116 times Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearance are meeting’. This simply means IPOB were given pass to UN building simply because Uchemefor led delegates were attached to human rights working group that came to submit or review submitted petition on forcefully disappeared persons. Now you can understand that the only reason the so-called delegates went to UN was to submit petition on disappearance of Nnamdi Kanu and leave the building at once. How come there were plenty of lies contained in IPOB press release that they were invited by UN to discuss face to face the issue concerning the people of Biafra? Now you can understand Biafra was never discussed anywhere rather Nnamdi Kanu’s human right petition as a person was submitted.

I want to take your time hardcore Biafran; give me your time and emancipate yourself from deceit and lies, so that we can find alternative to restore our dear nation. IPOB leaders said they were invited the same 14th September they were remembering victims and sitting at home. But brother; the session of this Working Group (WG) happens three times yearly and the date for the session has long been chosen before the 14th day of September. In other words; nobody invited IPOB leaders or delegate; rather they commonly like every other people went to submit compliant about Nnamdi Kanu’s disappearance.


Let me kindly quote UN Human Right Commission Working Group sessions.

Sessions of the Working Group

Sessions and Annual Report

The Working Group holds three sessions during the year. The Group’s meetings are held in private. During the session, the Working Group reviews newly-submitted cases of enforced disappearances and information on previously accepted cases. In addition, the Working Group reviews general allegations, based on information from non-governmental organizations concerning reported obstacles encountered in the implementation of the Declaration on the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance. The Working Group meets, during the first three days of each session, with NGOs and family members of the disappeared, as well as with representatives of governments to exchange views and information on the phenomenon of enforced disappearances. Following each session, the Working Group informs Governments, in writing, of decisions taken with regard to disappearances in their country. The WGEID reports annually to the Human Rights Council on its activities, informing also on its communications with governments and NGOs, its missions, all cases of disappearance received during the year, and the implementation of the 1992 Declaration.

Coming sessions

Sessions for 2018

114th session: 5-9 February 2018 (Brussels. Belgium)
115th: session 23 April – 2 May 2018 (Geneva)
116th: session 10 – 14 September 2018 (Geneva)

Sessions for 2017

111th session: 6-10 February 2017 (Seoul. Republic of Korea)
112th: 8-17 May 2017 (Geneva)
113th: 11-15 September 2017 (Geneva)

Sessions for 2016

108th session: 8-12 February 2016 (Rabat)
109 th session: 9 – 18 May 2016
110th session: 19-23 September 2016 (googled)

We cannot afford to be complacent with the propaganda of UN visit by IPOB leaders; we have not achieved anything and must remain focused. UN don’t give freedom and they don’t participate in anything that threatens the sovereignty of a member nation. Let me take this little opportunity to explain UN charter on self-determination. The summary of the charter is that indigenous people have right to demand self-rule from parent country. That is a right and not obligation to the parent country; it entails you can ask for self-rule and it is the duty of the parent country to accept it or not. If the parent country refuses; it is left for indigenous people to seek alternative which for Biafra UN is expecting restructure to be more viable. As long as restructure is on the table; UN sees it as the alternative to secession in Nigeria and cannot meddle with any secessionist group. Secessionist group can override the decision of its parent country only when it can match her strength.

I will outline further submissions to enable the people of Biafra reason and judge for themselves; this is very important and to checkmate excessiveness of our leaders. During the time of Uwazurike; he got desperate and told the people of Biafra how they visited UN headquarters and were given observers status and we all rejoiced. Candy Stallworth; the former IPOB USA mobilization officer was in front of the white house, made a video coverage of referendum meeting that was just concluded and we rejoiced but when the dice was cast, we did cast her away. Today; I saw a picture of IPOB deputy leader in front of UN office and he told us they went in and finished their meeting like Candy Stallworth did and came out to make a press statement in front of the UN building. We are rejoicing and making our bed to sleep; UN has come and Biafra is here, our referendum has been endorsed by UN and whatsoever Uchemefor planned to achieve is circulating like wildfire. Did I come here to put a stop to it? No, that is not the case. I came here to open the eyes of my people, what they deserve to know.


UN is not some kind of Nzuko or club meeting you wake up and get a call over the phone to come and visit. There is a due process which starts with getting invitation document; which can come through mail, letter or press release by UN leader in any capacity. The documents shall be tendered to your country’s UN office that shall see to the honouring of the invitation. UN did not invite IPOB delegates to discuss referendum or any issue regarding our secession agenda. With WG tag, anybody can get permitted into the UN building; even you a Biafran in Geneva can go to that 116th UN/WG session, it is a free for all session.


let me firmly make it clear that IPOB were never invited by UN, NGO and Human Rights Working Groups working with UN are responsible for the invitation of kanu’s family to account for their enforced disappeared family members. IPOB deputy leader took advantage of the failed visa to kanu’s family members and witnesses to represent the family of the enforced disappeared persons at Geneva 116th session of UN Human Rights Working Group. It is shameful that to submit complaint as representative of Kanu’s family deceitfully turned special invitation by UN to discuss Biafra. May God save His children and grant them freedom!


It is one thing to visit UN office to submit a letter or complaint over abuse of human rights of a select indigenous people or enforced disappeared person but another thing to come out and say UN invited you to discuss how Nigeria will be divided and Biafra awarded to us. I don’t know what we tend to achieve lying to our people over a serious agitation like Biafra in which we have lost millions of lives. So, it is commendable that Uchemefor went to 116th UN/WG 2018 final session to submit complaint on Kanu’s disappearance anybody can do but condemnable that he did that and lied that he went there to discuss face to face with UN about our referendum or restoration of Biafra.


When an invite is made by UN; the representatives of invited people after discussion must have official protocol picture with UN leader or representatives, this is mostly done immediately after the meeting inside the UN meeting hall and video coverage is also allowed. Pleasantries are exchanged like; official handshake with UN for pictorial evidence of the visit. In the case of Uchemefor; coming out after a free for all 116th UN/WG session and snapping pictures and videos in the name of invitation by UN are nothing short of what Candy Stallworth did. Luckily; the propaganda is spreading; so infectious that I received a call that UN has approved our referendum with pictures of Uchemefor in front of UN building. I am waiting for Radio Biafra International to also visit and tell us what they discussed with UN; funny indeed.


At the beginning of UN 2007 Self-determination Charter; the institution firmly made it clear that the charters they made do not in any shape or form give anybody right to divide or temper with the sovereignty of any member nation. The major reason for the creation or membership of UN is to protect the sovereignty of member nations; there is no how in existence of the institution they will negotiate the balkanization of a member nation with a secessionist group. Worst come to worst; UN will intervene or plead/negotiate with member nation to consider indigenous people in a conflict situation, only when they see division as the ultimate solution. UN law forbids UN to give listening ears to secessionist groups; the least that can be taken is complaint of human rights violation or enforced disappearance as in the case of IPOB deputy over Kanu.

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After the UN jamboree; in front of the UN building, Uchemefor opened his mouth to say he would not leak the secret of what was discussed inside; I laughed off the phrase because Uchemefore certainly knew he was dealing with enslaved minds that can buy any rubbish that proceeds out of his mouth. Little did he know at the end of every diplomatic or official meeting; UN releases press statement to update their stance and what was discussed. It is a protocol that must be observed!


Don’t get it twisted; the interview Uchemefor spoke in was carried out by one of the delegates who even invited me to watch his video. After official visit as claimed by IPOB; reporters working in UN building follow up the meeting to get reports and get the reaction of the invited delegates. For Christ sake; this is official UN meeting and not some Nigerian movie shit produced every week. I was disgraced when one of the delegates told them to take a prominent UN office view and talk to the people of Biafra when official picture was everything needed.

There are many more to discuss but that would come in my next column; the purpose of this column is not to weaken your spirit but to tell you that nothing is happening and for you to wake up and fight for your freedom. Do not go to bed thinking that UN is aware of your existence; they are not and cannot be until you have a business that can attract them. Keep working hard; keep exploring and looking for alternative to restore Biafra; IPOB has nothing to offer anymore.

All Hail Biafra!

Ifeanyi Chijioke writes from Abuja



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