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My Open Letter To An Emerging Political Priest, Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Obimma (Ebube Muonso)

I have tried very hard not to join issues with you or any priest of God, but listening to you lately reminds me that you have lost it completely and would need to be called to order.

I am aware that every masquerade dancing has those that beat drums for him nearby. That is why you have continued your many unguarded utterances against the governor of our beloved state.

I watched and listened to a video clip where you accused Mr. Governor of knowing those behind the gruesome murder of the late Hon Justice Azuka! How could you? The suspects were arrested and handed over to police as due process prescribes. It is only political to blame the governor for their escape from police custody.

Dear Father Emmanuel Obimma, I understand that the existence of illegality like yourself and your money-making venture known as the Holy Ghost Adoration Ministry Uke is possible because of several loopholes in our laws.

Since that fateful day in 2013 when 25 innocent souls lost their lives in a stampede that should have been avoided, I have lost faith in whatever you are doing in the name of the church at Uke. Why there was no report from any set-up panel of inquiry from that incident, and your ability to maneuver your way out of it all, shows that you have cabals sponsoring your activities and several vituperations against the governor.


I think it is high time you are told plainly that your activities and words are not those of someone who should be associated with leading a congregation of God. Read 1 Timothy 2:1-4. St. Paul of blessed memory instructs that we should pray for people in authority. He said, “This is acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour.”

Again, Romans 13:1-7 asks us to be submissive to the government because every leader is established by God in heaven. It is without doubt that your stance against the governor of our beloved state, citing insecurity, is purely political and not what should come from a man of God who should be aware of the present security situation in the state and Nigeria at large.

I think you have believed that having many blindfolded online followers and a congregation, you can now decide the political situation in the state. That is why, during every election campaigns, you open the doors of your adoration ministry to all politicians and all aspirants, accepting gifts and promises from them and offering prayers and prophesies to them in return. The season is now and you’re already advertising for prospective customers in their numbers.

The question you should ask and answer yourself is, “In a security situation like this what will Christ do?” A real man of God will organize a prayer session for his beloved state and his people, including his congregation. You (Ebube Muonso) waited until your brother priest was kidnapped, and then you took to your channels to talk down on a government you are assigned by Christ to pray for.

Father Ebube Muonso, I strongly opine that you have lost your focus as a priest of God. Seeing many prayer-purchasing followers and praise singers has misguided you from knowing who you are!

I shed tears the other time I heard you praying for the death of the governor’s aides on what is supposed to be your holy altar! A Catholic priest praying for the governor’s aides to die! You have lost it, and unfortunately, you now see yourself as the god of men instead of a Man of God!

You approved fake news from your media handlers that our information commissioner is deceased! This may be possible because you fasted and prayed, organized a black mass in secret, and were very confident that your fatwa on Mr. Governor’s aides would “kpai” in their numbers!

Honestly, Father Ebube Muonso, many of the native doctors Agunaechemba recently arrested cannot say such prayers when released, but coming from a priest who was charged by God to pray for all leaders shows that you are not of God!

Your type was the very reason many Catholics are leaving the church in their numbers to idolatry! You must repent of your pomposity and be humble as all priests should be! Are you showing the image of Christ which you’re supposed to be? No!

Even if Governor Soludo persecuted you like some of your colleagues in Enugu and some other places were treated, what did the Bible say about revenge? Romans 12:19: “Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves”… Vengeance is of the Lord (Deuteronomy 32:35). Tell me where the Lord assigned you to fight the government that has continued to prove it is for the poor.


I expected you to stand up and defend the church and Christians if the sitting governor had in any way persecuted Christians in the state or the church of God. Soludo was deservedly awarded The Father of Ecumenism because of his strong relationship with the church of God.

Even the native doctors that he strongly opposed some of their repugnant practices are not criticizing him the way you do without caution. There is an adage that when a man cries too much for the deceased, he should be asked if he has a hand in his/her death.

Soludo has peacefully gone from church to church preaching unity, love, peace, and a return to Christianity, but you, a priest of God in a land where all the young and old baptized Catholics are heading back to the darkest age of idolatry, have lost your voice.

Father Ebube Muonso, please, with all your constant wailing and rambling during your so-called adoration, I am waiting to hear your repentance and salvation message to all the souls heading back to idolatry, the use of okeite, money rituals, kidnappings, and armed robberies… You have changed from a priest of God to a political activist!

I ask again, did Governor Soludo in any way persecute the church? This question is important because great prophets like Elijah, Elisha, Isaiah, Ezekiel, and Daniel opposed thrones and kings in the past. They most did that after the kings persecuted their congregations.

In the Book of Nehemiah 2:1, King Artaxerxes was not a Jew, Nehemiah was serving him in exile, but God still used him to rebuild Jerusalem.

Daniel, Mechack, Shedrack, and Abednego served King Nebuchadnezzar while in exile, they only disobeyed the king regarding their religion!

This is to inform you that whether the governor is Christian or not, the Bible sees him as ordained by God, and if you are spiritual and have your spiritual eyes open, you can achieve God’s purpose using Mr. Governor, but you have continually chosen to play the role of opposition.

Go to the street and pay attention, oh Father Ebube Muonso! You have reduced yourself to an instrument in the hands of the opposition because the people now have it that even the opposition does not fight Mr. Governor the way you (a priest of God) do!

Father Ebube Muonso, I need you to point out anywhere in the Holy Bible where God assigned you to do what you are presently doing. Please, I need you to teach me because I am a Bible scholar too, like you, and I want to know.


Father Ebube Muonso, I challenge you to remove the priestly mask, stop pretending, come out openly, register with any political party in the state, and contest for any political office. You cannot continue the deception, desecrating the altar of the Most High in the name of talking for the people.

We all know when you single-handedly sponsored your brother to contest and he won the state house of assembly. You can equally contest for the House of Representatives or Senate or even the governorship seat.

At least, we didn’t hear or read Rev. Father Hyacinth Alia (the priest governor of Benue state) criticizing and fighting their previous governors. He was never heard praying for their former governor or his aides to die!

Since you seem to understand governance better than our incumbent governor, and you also understand how the state should be run or how its security architecture should be organized, therefore, take a leave from the priesthood, drop your priestly robe, and contest for Anambra Governor.

Rev. Fr. Hyacinth Alia did not have to boast too much. He did not fight their previous governors; he was focused on what he wanted to do, and he came and just did it.


You have suddenly turned yourself into a rabble-rouser, thereby becoming a disgrace to the priesthood you were called to and the church of God.

Without mincing words, I must reiterate that you have made yourself an embarrassment to the church and the people of God. It is also unfortunate that even though you have done worse than what Rev. Fr. Ejike Mbaka did last time and got suspended, it is either you are being sponsored or you are buying your way out of possible disciplinary actions!

I call on the Catholic Archdiocese of Onitsha to stand up to this occasion or continue to enjoy the macabre dance. I also expect that the Catholic Archbishop Conference of Nigeria should call you to order because you have left the flock of God you were called to feed and immersed yourself in the deep waters of Anambra politics.


I want you, after reading this, to go back to the drawing board. What are the reasons for your calling? Is it to win souls for Christ, to enrich yourself and your family, or to play secular politics? You alone can answer these questions if you are sincere with yourself.

You are drifting toward antichrist, and someone needs to tell you boldly to your face.

I also expect that, as usual, you will pray for my death, but you are not God and you cannot command God to do your bidding. Just ask your sorry self… what will Christ do?

If you cannot imitate Christ in words and actions, then you are not a Christian!

Christ was flogged, jeered, mocked, pierced with an arrow, and crucified alive, and instead of calling God to punish his crucifiers, he prayed for them! If you, as a priest, cannot imitate him, you’re not a priest of God!

Read the story of the saints of the Church… What did they do? They converted souls, refused to bow to the antichrist, lived poor without inheritance or earthly riches, and died in the process.

Today, most of you priests are fighting for who will be the richest in worldly wealth while souls perish and head into hell daily!

Finally, Father Ebube Muonso, who are you? A priest of God or a priest of the world?

Machi Pius Igwe writes from Awka

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