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The Adminstrator -CG-IPOB advises Biafrans on Anambra election


In a telephone conversation with BVI Channel 1 Reporter,The Administrator of the Customary Government of Indigenous People of Biafra restated his earlier position that Biafrans should be familiar with gimmicks that characterized the international politics.According to Aniebue ‘International politics has been hijacked by few powerful nations who now decide who get what,to who and when. While the Europeans and the West keep on developing their technology and administration, with which they conquered Africa, Africans were busy fighting themselves and destroying their traditional governance structure.

The worse Africans did to themselves is to insist that European delineated boundaries in Africa must remain as the Europeans left it. So let us understand that fighting them will not be to our advantage. Exposing British Conspiracy against us now is not going to help our course! Diplomacy is the target and key to our promise land’ The Administrator concluded.

Celestine reporting for BVI Channel 1

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