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The Patriots To Embark On Nationwide Advocacy, Mobilisation For New Constitution

In an effort to actualise a new people’s constitution for Nige­ria, The Patriots, a group of eminent leaders of thought in the country under the leader­ship of former Secretary Gen­eral of the Commonwealth, Chief Emeka Anyaoku, has announced the launch of a nationwide mobilisation and advocacy.

A statement on Tuesday signed by Salvation Alibor on behalf of The Patriots secre­tariat stated that the group will engage governors, leaders of thought and political stake­holders across the country.

The statement reads, “The Patriots’ nationwide advoca­cy and mobilisation for a new democratic people’s constitu­tion for Nigeria has become imperative following the con­sensus reached by leaders of thought and eminent political stakeholders who converged on the national constitutional dialogue on the future of Ni­geria, hosted by The Patriots in March 2024, that the present Federal Government should be encouraged to drop its con­stitutional amendment rituals for a more profound process of giving Nigeria a new dem­ocratic people’s constitution through an elected Constit­uent Assembly in resolving the myriads of political, eco­nomic and security challeng­es confronting the survival of Nigeria.

“It was to the end of this popular consensus by Nige­rian stakeholders that the leadership of The Patriots was compelled to embark on wide consultations with mem­bers of The Patriots, leaders of thought and other political stakeholders of Nigeria in setting up a broad based pan Nigerian advocacy team that will move round the country to mobilise Nigerians and fur­ther popularise the agenda for a democratic constitution that can further unite Nigeria.

“Therefore, after due con­sultations, the national secre­tariat of The Patriots wishes to announce the setting up of a pan Nigerian Advocacy Team of the Patriots on the Constitution Reforms of Ni­geria as follows: Prof Antho­ny Kila, Chairman; Senator Shehu Sanni, Co- Chair; Hajia Bilikisu Magoro, Vice Chair­man; Dr. Sam Amadi, mem­ber; Deacon Chris Iyovwaye, member; Alhaji Shettima Yerima, member; Comrade Ene Obi, member; Dr. Otive Igbuzor, member; Mr. Samson Itodo, member; Madu Bright O. Alwell, member; Ms. Ann Kio Briggs, member; Mr. Fafa Dan Princewill, member; Mr. Zaka Bala, member; Mr. Kayo­de Samuel, member; Mr. Chido Onumah, member; Barr. Af­fiong L Affiong, member, and Mr. Salvation Alibor, Under Secretary.

Alibor added, “The com­mittee will be expected to undertake advocacy visits to key stakeholder groups in country, including governors, traditional rulers, religious leaders and sectoral leaders of the Nigerian polity, among oth­ers, to seek their support and the buy-in of broad Nigerians for the renewed advocacy for a new democratic constitution for Nigeria in fostering the cohesion, stability and pros­perity of Nigeria.”

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