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The Structure Of Customary Government Of Biafra

1.The body of all the remnants of Biafra which was officially constituted into a non-legal entity in 2012 to sue the Federal Republic of Nigeria and the Attorney-General of the Federation in a representative capacity by Bilie Human Rights Initiative in Suit No FHC/OW/CS/112/2012 now renumbered as Suit No FHC/OW/CS/192/2013 has established its Customary Government known as the Customary Government of Indigenous People of Biafra headed by the Supreme Council of Elders (hereinafter called the Customary Government of Biafra).


  1. The Customary Government of Biafra is not a sovereign entity and shall administer the affairs of all Indigenous People of Biafra by the application of customary law and private law in accordance with the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and the rules of international law.


  1. The Customary Government of Biafra acknowledges that all Indigenous People of Biafra are Nigerians by citizenship while they struggle for independence from Nigeria and shall upon attainment of independence maintain diplomatic and friendly ties with the governments of all nations that love Biafra and shall allow the Biafrans to exercise their fundamental rights under the human rights law regarding the choice of nationalities and citizenships.


  1. The Customary Government of Biafra has observed that many Biafrans have different opinions as to the best approach to the Biafran independence struggle and this has caused unnecessary disagreements and in-fighting among them. It has therefore become necessary that all Indigenous People of Biafra must be under proper supervision and guidance by the Customary Government of Biafra to avoid anarchy, lawlessness and bloodshed among the various pro-Biafra groups agitating for the independence of Biafra.


  1. Pursuant to the foregoing, the Supreme Council of Elders of Indigenous People of Biafra has approved and created an administrative body known as the National Executive Council (NEC) comprising the representatives of all pro-Biafra groups which recognise the legitimacy and authority of the Supreme Council of Elders to run the day-to-day affairs of the Customary Government of Biafra subject to these Administrative Guidelines.




  1. By the power of the Supreme Council of Elders of Indigenous People of Biafra, an administrative body known as the National Executive Council (NEC) is hereby established to oversee the day-to-day affairs of all Indigenous People of Biafra under the Supreme Council of Elders and shall take decisions for the Customary Government of Biafra subject to confirmation by the Supreme Council of Elders.


  1. The National Executive Council shall be composed of the representatives of all the pro-Biafra groups which recognise the legitimacy and authority of the Supreme Council of Elders and shall be 24 members subject to amendment of these Administrative Guidelines.


  1. The National Executive Council shall hold their meetings periodically or as frequently as circumstances demand. The meetings of the NEC shall be convened by the Administrator of the Customary Government of Indigenous People of Biafra.




  1. Without prejudice to the offices created under Section 4.16 and Section 6 Order 5, of the Policy Statements and Orders of the Government of Indigenous People of Biafra, Vol. 1, 2014, the following heads of departments are created to perform the administrative functions of the Customary Government of Biafra until further directives are given:





(1)       The Head of Policy and Strategies shall draw up the policies, guidelines,   rules or regulations for the achievement of the goals of the Customary Government and present same to the NEC for consideration and critical analysis.


(2)       The Head of Policy and Strategies is given the power to recruit or employ workers from all pro-Biafra groups which recognise the legitimacy and authority of the Supreme Council of Elders of Indigenous People of Biafra, whether as volunteers or employees by the Customary Government of Biafra on salaries, subject to the staff handbook made by the Head of Administration, and shall delegate duties to the workers to carry out the necessary researches as the basis for strategies and policy formulation.


(3)       Upon the approval of the policies, guidelines, rules or regulations by the NEC, it shall be presented to the Supreme Council of Elders of Indigenous People of Biafra for confirmation before implementation.


(4)       Where a disagreement arises in the NEC as to the approval of the policies, guidelines, rules or regulations, it shall be decided by simple majority vote among the NEC members. If the vote results in a tie, the Head of Policy and Strategies who prepared the documents shall have the overriding vote subject to confirmation by the Supreme Council of Elders.


(5)       The Head of Administration shall implement the policies, guidelines, rules or regulations as approved by the NEC and confirmed by the Supreme Council of Elders.


(6)       For effective implementation of the policies, guidelines, rules or regulations, the Head of Administration is given the power to employ workers for the Customary Government, whether as volunteers or paid employees, and shall oversee and control the personnel employed by the Customary Government and shall function generally as the Administrator of the Customary Government of Biafra.


(7)       The Head of Administration is given the power to draw up a staff handbook for the personnel who shall work in the service of the Customary Government of Biafra, whether as volunteers or employees on salaries and wages. Where the staff handbook creates a legal obligation under contract or labour law for the workers of the Customary Government, the NEC shall deliberate on it and shall present it to the Supreme Council of Elders for confirmation before implementation.


(8)       The Head of Administration shall present a monthly report to the NEC concerning the progress and challenges in running the affairs of the Customary Government. The NEC shall deliberate on the monthly reports and present a quarterly report to the Supreme Council of Elders for necessary actions.


(9)       The Head of Financial Management shall use his initiatives to create the necessary systems, programmes and methods of raising finance for the Customary Government of Biafra for the fulfilment of its objectives in the struggle for the independence of Biafra.


(10)     The Head of Financial Management is given the power to create the necessary accounting systems and financial management rules to ensure proper accounting records, transparency and public accountability for the Customary Government of Biafra.


(11)     The Head of Financial Management is given the power to recruit or employ accounts officers, account clerks and book keepers, whether as volunteers or employees on salaries, subject to the staff handbook made by the Head of Administration, to assist in raising funds and managing the finance for the Customary Government of Biafra.


(12)     The Head of Financial Management shall ensure that all money raised for the Customary Government of Indigenous People of Biafra, whether in cash or cheque, is paid within 24 hours into the bank account designated by the Supreme Council of Elders.


(13)     The Head of Financial Management shall present a monthly report to the NEC concerning the progress and challenges in his department. The NEC shall deliberate on the monthly reports and present a quarterly report to the Supreme Council of Elders for necessary actions.


(14)     The Head of Security and Intelligence shall maintain peace, law and orderliness among all Indigenous People of Biafra. The powers conferred on him under Section 6 Order 8 of the Policy Statements and Orders of the Government of Indigenous People of Biafra, Vol. 1, 2014, are hereby incorporated into these Administrative Guidelines.


(15)     In addition to the powers already conferred on him, the Head of Security and Intelligence shall have the power to recruit or employ workers in his department whether as volunteers or employees on salaries for the Customary Government of Biafra, subject to the staff handbook made by the Head of Administration, and shall deploy them to serve the Customary Government in various capacities.


(16)     The Head of Media and Mass Mobilization shall use his skills and initiatives to set up and run the media and mobilization works for the Customary Government of Biafra.


(17)     The Head of Media and Mass Mobilization is given the power to recruit or employ workers, whether as volunteers or employees on salaries, subject to the staff handbook made by the Head of Administration, to assist in the media and mobilization work for the Customary Government of Biafra.


(18)     The Head of Media and Mass Mobilization shall present a monthly report to the NEC concerning the progress and challenges in his department. The NEC shall deliberate on the monthly reports and present a quarterly report to the Supreme Council of Elders for necessary actions.


(19)     All the members of the Supreme Council of Elders, Heads of Departments, Workers, Staff and Officers of the Customary Government of Biafra, whether full-time or part-time, shall be remunerated by the Customary Government of Biafra just like every other government in the world pays its workers. For this reason, the Supreme Council of Elders of Indigenous People of Biafra shall make an Order for the payment of the customary taxation called “utu-isi” in Igbo language for the achievement of the goals of the Customary Government of Biafra.


Heads of Working Committees:

IPOB National Orientation Agency ………….

IPOB Social Welfare Commission ……………

IPOB Job Creation Agency ………………………

IPOB Dispute Resolution Commission …….


Members of Working Committees:


Additional 15 Members from all the eligible pro-Biafra groups to complete the 24-member NEC as approved by the Supreme Council of Elders




THE NEW BIAFRA IN VIEW(Selling the new Biafra Nation to the public)


Why should we go for GOOD when we can be BETTER, and why must we settle for BETTER when we can be the BEST? This is the question anyone reading this should be asking him/herself as long as you are called South-Eastern or South-South by Nigerian government geo-political description which was meant to divide, weaken, exploit and enslave once peaceful, powerful and united people of Biafra that has existed side by side in Biafra land with well define boundaries and identified as “Biafar” or “Biafara” thousands of years before Nigeria was created.


Biafra is a Republic with federating nations


For instance, IGBO NATION, IZON or IJAW NATION, EFFIK NATION, ANAANG NATION, etc. just like where England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland formed the United Kingdom.

It is expected that every Uniting Nations under the new Biafra adopts an autonomous Republican administrative system of government, controlling its resources and territory; they all contribute to the central government financially from their respective economic activities for the running of the central government.

The ratio at which this national tax should be paid to the central government would be decided by the uniting nations.

Each nation would have its own administrative arm of government (Executive, Legislative and Judiciary, National Flag, National Anthem, Police, laws, etc.


             FOR INSTANCE



  1. DEFENCE- Having a common military
    2. IMMIGRATION – Having one boarder control and immigration services.
    3. CURRENCY – Being regulated by one Central Financial Body (Central Bank of Biafra)
    4. CENTRAL GOVERNMENT – Having one central administrative government that oversees the overall administration of Biafra (Supreme Council of Elders).
    5. And any other as may deem fit by the S.C.E and Uniting Biafra Nations



Adopting this structure will promote peace among Biafra nations as the fear of domination by one ethnic Nation is eliminated. It will give each Biafra Nation a well-defined identity among the international community of nations just as it is with U.K where there are Nations like England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland having their separate identity.

This structure will enhance constructive and healthy competition among Biafra Nations as they strive to maximise their individual resources towards achieving or attaining desired economic, political, infrastructural development and improved human standard of living, ensuring a strong defence, viable economy and most the effective boarder control.

This will place Biafra at the fore front of African development and global political framework.


Source :Directorate of Information

Customary Government of Biafra




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