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World Mental Health Day: What Is Closer To The Truth Than Information Peddled By Non Professionals – Dr. Ubochi

As the global community marked the 2023 World Mental Health Day, a Consultant Psychiatrist, Dr. Vincent Nwokejiezi Ubochi, has challenged the government and the citizens alike to create an environment where there is safety, peace and harmony, and where compassionate services to humanity form the core value of existence.

In his goodwill message on the event, Dr. Ubochi, who is the Chief Consultant Psychiatrist, Federal Neuropsychiatric Enugu, noted that mental health is a universal human right, which everyone must have and give to others.

He stated that mental; being a critical pillar of human well-being and quality of life, affects all facets of life, and enjoined people to prioritize, pay attention to theirs and that of others.

World Mental Health Day is celebrated on 10th October every year.

Dr. Ubochi’s message reads:

“Today is World Mental Health Day, a day set aside to preach mental health to the world. Mental health and mental illness are widely misunderstood. Today is important to me because it afford me yet another opportunity to tell our people what is closer to the truth than the information peddled by many non professionals about mental health in the social media space, among others. Truth is ideal and perfect, but something closer to it that can offer better utility and that is evidence based can be classed superior. I am not by any means debasing the other information but to challenge us to think beyond speculations and embrace evidence. Also, today represents to me a call for deliberate and aggressive advocacy towards preventive and restorative Psychiatry.
Mental health is a state of well-being in which an individual, realizes his or her ability, can cope with the stresses of life, can work productively, and is able to make contributions to their community (WHO).
Mental health therefore is a positive state of mental and emotional well-being and not merely the absence of mental disorders.
This definition implies that mental health is a critical pillar of human well-being and quality of life .
Our mental state affects all facets of our lives.
Our values, world view and / or our interpretations of and relationships with ourselves and environment, our family, work, attitudes, character, including our physical health are shaped by our mental health .
Mental health can only be achieved when there is peace and harmony, in an environment that is safe and where compassionate services to humanity forms the core value of our existence.
I use this opportunity to challenge the government and the citizens alike to create this haven which I call ‘mental health’ for the people.
Make mental health a priority.
Mental health is a universal human right. You must have it and give it.

To be continued.

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