Monday, March 10, 2025


The attention of the Eastern Region Assembly (ERA) has been drawn to a very offensive response from Miyetti Allah Cattle Breeders Association  hereinafter referred  to as “MACBAN” in respect of the position of the Eastern governors. It is most queer to ERA that a body like MACBAN could bring itself to judge the decision of governors whose political enclaves have been adversely affected by the destructive activities of Fulani herdsmen in the past.

ERA wishes to give a pat on the back of the Eastern Governors for taking the hardihood step of standing on the side of the led in a matter of this nature.  The governors,  unlike MACBAN leaders,  have proved that they are not detached from the complaints, sufferings,  and travails of their people.  A situation where political stakeholders are in  unison with those from whom their representative capacity emanated augurs well for the Eastern Region.
MACBAN leadership should bury their heads in shame over their inability to guide members of their body aright and prosecute errant ones to serve as deterrence.  It is the informed position of ERA that MACBAN, by its criminal  graveyard silence over the series of killings meted out to Nigerians in the Middle Belt and North,  has aided and abetted the massacre that has characterised the Buhari regime.  MACBAN’s failure to bring any of its errant, terrorist, and criminal member to face the law is itself a sign of complicity. We, members of ERA,  put it to this association that they are the unseen hands behind these massacres.
ERA is happy that the political stakeholders/state actors found in the Eastern Region have been able to do the needful.  We wish to advise the Eastern Region Governors to discountenance the immoral concern of this culpable association and continue to shield the economically and politically victimised people of Eastern region from the apocalyptic and savagery tendencies of the Fulani marauders.
ERA wonders why leaders of MACBAN could fold their arms and watch with schadenfreude as their members treat other humans trapped in Nigeria with levity and utter disregard.  We find it hard to believe that  instead of attending to the socio-economic and political neglect our region has undergone since the illegitimate amalgamation and independence these people took to aggravating it by reducing our number in the most gruesome manner.
We hold human life in high esteem and find no substitute for it in the mundane world we live in.  The quest for legislated land for ranches in regions where cattle rearing is not cultural and customary is an implicit attempt to proliferate Jihad and invasion.  We see the call for establishment of ranches across the nation as an attempt to use the political platform to enthrone and advance devious religious intention, and we join the Eastern Governors in saying a resounding no!
Finally,  it is the submission of ERA that land is not readily available in the Eastern Region due to the dense population of our people.  Thus,  any piece of land acquired must be of vivacious economic relevance to our region.  The Eastern Region will never be a place for the nationalization of Fulani private business.  A critical inquiry into the Fulani herdsmen revealed a progress from residents, forced landlords or landlords by conquest, and then to Islamisation.  We are elated and emboldened by the wariness of our amiable governors and their praiseworthy resolve.  ERA hereby submits that there is no land in the Eastern Region for grazing activities of the Fulani herdsmen.
Russell Idatoru Sunju Bluejack
National Publicity Secretary
FOR: Eastern Region Assembly


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