Mba May not not have the pomp & pagentry of Abia or Charisma of Agu Awka but his candor, silent miem & self-effacing nature does not count for nothing.

In real sense of purpose; he is a winner first & entertainer second.An enigma of some sort.

GGM is following his many footprints which included but not limited to the Current retrofitting of the Enugu international conference centre & hotel presidential all roled in one,the current transport ecosystem which he is curating in 3 locations in Enugu & 1 in Nsukka with classy car terminals,the many ongoing dualisation & rehabilitation of selected initial first tranch of 81 roads all over the length & breath of Enugu state( I learnt the second tranch of roads is about being activated) the proposed 300 million dollars medical city,the ongoing new Enugu city whose access bridge into the city has reached advanced stage, the smart school initiatives & the most surprisingly; the surge in IGR collection in Enugu state that has seen IGR move to 33 blllion in the first 7 months of this year.

Also critically followed the last media round he had with top journalist where he was in his elements articulating his dreams & vision for his people.

Enugu’s tomorrow May be here with Mba indeed.Time will tell eventually.

Henry GGM


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