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No cure for Gowon fever

Former head of state, Yakubu Gowon, was gifted with opportunity for atonement when he recently appeared on AIT’s People, Politics and Power programme. Unfortunately, the man, who wanted to ‘go on with one Nigeria’ (Gowon), flunked the grace of history.

Perhaps, the greatest take-away was Gowon’s inadvertent exoneration of Chukwuemeka Odumegwu-Ojukwu. He had actually set out to vilify the venerable Biafra leader by heaping inordinate falsehood on the dead, who can no longer defend himself.

Gowon claimed he went to Ghana for the famed Aburi Accord unprepared. That, according to him, accounted for why highly cerebral Ojukwu bamboozled all of them and wringed the concessions he got. He added that secession was not on the card in Ghana and, of course, it couldn’t have been. It was not on Ojukwu’s agenda either. However, secession crept into the matter when the pogrom against the Igbo in the North continued unabated and Gowon, admittedly, could not halt it. According to Gowon and rightly so, the Igbo saw Biafra as the only hope for safety and freedom.

One curious thing about Gowon’s weird claims was the agreement that nobody should talk about decisions reached in Aburi back home until he did. Strangely, Gowon claimed he was struck down by fever and could not tell Nigerians what was agreed at Aburi. Nobody knows why Gowon must speak directly when he could easily delegate the job to government officials or issue a statement, assuming he was truly indisposed. It was his devious silence and continued killing of the Igbo that compelled Ojukwu to speak out. Immediately Gowon became aware of Ojukwu’s ‘lies’, his fever disappeared and he led the most sweltering policy against a people in Africa. His attempt to rewrite history failed woefully but awaiting the judgment of time.

I don’t think Gowon has recovered from that strange fever. In fact, he may never recover under the circumstance if he, the man leading Nigeria to pray, could miss the opportunity to set records straight and lead us into a new light of love, unity and greatness. Nigeria has remained dry sand that refuses to stick together in one heap because of activities of Gowon and his co-travelers.

He told the world that the military was not involved in the Igbo massacre up North. Did it matter who was involved? What mattered was that genocide was going on but Gowon’s government gave tacit approval by failing to nip it. He merely said killing Igbo was ungodly but couldn’t he have declared state of emergency in the North to stem the killing instead of taking steps that further aggravated the situation by alienating and infuriating an already suspicious people? If the exasperated they saw Biafra as escape route from extinction, why blame them?

However, Gowon, who very well understood that Biafra was survivalist quest callously supervised the worst massacre in Nigeria’s history, foisting a civil war with its obnoxious blockade and starvation policy, as weapon of warfare spearheaded by Chief Obafemi Awolowo. God has graciously allowed Gowon to outlive Awolowo and Ojukwu but it is a tragic testimony that he remains remorseless despite his grand old age of 83 years. Some leader, this! And to think that he flaunts assumed credential of a pious Christian, leading Nigeria to pray points to end-time prophecy of fakery in the house of God.

 Gowon’s multi-speak is baffling. I would not call him a liar but he owes history explanation ofa duty to explain inconsistencies in his account of what transpired before, during and after the Aburi Accord, which he reneged and plunged Nigeria into gross darkness that consumed three million lives, especially Igbo children and women. There are documentary evidences that his account of the sad episode keeps changing like shifting sand. He wants us to believe that he fought the war to keep Nigeria one and not preserve his blood-soaked ‘throne’ as was self-evident. If indeed keeping Nigeria united was his goal, how come then his no victor, no vanquished policy to achieve same was spurious? His touted three ‘Rs’ – reconciliation, reconstruction and reintegration – was for mere political correctness, as the Igbo were neither reconciled to Nigeria nor reintegrated. Today, they are reconstructing North East that destroyed itself but nobody has reconstructed South East that Nigeria destroyed and the region remains derelict except for self-efforts. 

Gowon should tell the world if he succeeded in keeping Nigeria united. He laid foundation for bleeding the Igbo, a path succeeding governments have religiously trodden. He balkanised the land and superintended over the crushing of the Igbo but unfortunately for him and gloating Nigeria, Biafra, like an abiku, no dey die easy.

Today, Nigeria has lost sleep because of strident cries of the people over marginalisation, which has given rise to Movement for the Actualisation of the Sovereign State of Biafra, MASSOB, Independent People of Biafra, IPOB, and others. Other afflicted sections of the country, reeling under the weight of hegemony of Hausa Fulani have joined the fray.  The Yoruba is clamouring to go solo under Odua Republic; the Niger Delta is ever on the boil and has brought Nigeria to its knees, proposing five separate republics instead. The Middle Belt has debunked the myth of ‘One North’ and has asserted its separate identity. All these clearly point to failure of Gowon’s touted drive to save the monolith.

Of course, Nigeria must be saved but not just by prayer, as my elder and brother in the Lord, Gowon purposes. It is doubtful if those that attend his prayer meetings are not praying amiss. He that comes to equity (God) must come with clean hands. Gowon’s hands are stained with blood and he cannot be raising them up, praying to a holy God. I don’t know how God reacts to him but commonsense dictates that he should purge his heart of its blackness so that he can have clearer view of heaven.

The blood of Abel (Ndigbo) still cries from the ground many years after it was spilled by Cain (Gowon and Nigeria), prancing about in magisterial impudence. When God heeded the cry for vengeance, it hit Cain so hard but his lamentations did not save him. Soon, that too may be the lot of Nigeria and her unconscionable leaders; unless…

source: Daily Sun




Your Honours, Biafra may not require much introduction to the Honorable House of Representative and the American Government. History books are filled with the story of the war of independence fought between Nigeria and Biafra from 1967 to 1970 in which about three million Biafrans were killed through the use of economic blockade by the Government of Nigeria to starve the Biafran civilians to death. Worse still, the Nigerian Government concentrated on the bombing of Biafran civilians in their homes, schools and village markets which the Government blamed on the incompetence of the Egyptian pilots employed by Nigeria to fight the war against Biafra.

It is an undisputable fact of history that we had a country called the Republic of Biafra which fought a war of independence with Nigeria from 1967 – 1970 and governed the people of Biafra as a de facto government until the end of the war. Though Nigeria did not recognize our country, five sovereign nations recognized the Republic of Biafra, namely: Tanzania, Haiti, Gabon, Ivory Coast and Zambia. Instead of admitting Biafra as a member of the United Nations having been recognized by five sovereign nations, the Arab nations and all Moslem countries helped Nigeria to defeat Biafra which victory Nigeria got by bombing and shooting our civilians, killing the Biafrans who surrendered and using starvation as a weapon of warfare against the civilian population of Biafra contrary to the laws of war.

The leaders of Biafra decided to surrender our sovereignty but not our identity as a people. Our leaders gave up the war of arms and ammunition in order to save the children and our race from annihilation so that we could live and fight again in a better and lawful way for our national liberation. Since after the war with Nigeria, the elders and traditional rulers of the remnants of the Biafrans have continued to provide the people with leadership and governance under our native laws and customs which resulted in a community-based governance of indigenous people of Biafra under customary law. This community-based governance of the remnants of the Biafrans by our Council of Elders has helped to maintain our identity as a people even though we lost our sovereignty which we now seek to regain by legal method.

It is our submission that what Biafra lost after the war was its sovereignty only. We the indigenous people of Biafra are still alive upholding our ancestral identity. The Biafran leaders thought it wise to give up the fight and our sovereignty in order to save the children who would grow up to fight their own war in their own way. It is now 57 years after the war of arms and ammunitions. Though the Customary Government of the Indigenous People of Biafra has been in federal high court with suit number FHC/OW/CS/192/2013 to establish her rights to Self Determination, the present agitation throughout Nigeria has presented a strong case to review the forceful amalgamation of the Northern part of Nigeria with that of the South.

Biafra was an ancient country which appeared first in the map of the world drawn by the Portuguese explorers between 1492 and 1729 located in the African continent. The map is still available today in the British Library and other Libraries of the world and shows Biafra as a large country then spelt variously as “Biafara”, “Biafar” and “Biafares” having boundaries with such ancient empires as Ethiopia, Egypt, Sudan, Benin, Kamerun, Congo, Gabon, and others. It was in 1843 that the Map of Africa showed our country spelt as “Biafra” having some parts of the modern day Cameroon within its boundary including the disputed Bakassi Peninsula. The original territory of Biafra was not restricted to the present Eastern Nigeria alone. According to the ancient maps, the Portuguese travelers used the word “Biafara” to describe the entire region of the Lower Niger River and eastwards up to the Cameroon Mountain and down to the eastern coastal tribes, thus including parts of the modern day Cameroon and Gabon.

From the historical records, Biafra had existed on the Map of Africa for more than 400 years before Nigeria was created in 1914. The British had diplomatic dealings with Biafrans before the new country called Nigeria was created. The Biafra Nation practised autonomous democracies among its clans as practised among the Ibos today. Therefore, the Republic of Biafra which was declared in 1967 by General Odumegwu Ojukwu following the massacre of the Ibos in Northern Nigeria was not a new country but an attempt to restore the ancient Biafra Nation that existed before Nigeria was created by default..

The map of Biafra was deleted in 1884 – 1885 in the Berlin Conference in Germany when the Europeans and Americans placed the map of Africa on a table and shared the lands of Africa among themselves as colonies which act is known in history as the Scramble for Africa. They colonized the lands of Africa and created some new countries and redrew the maps. One of the new countries they created was Nigeria. This arbitrary sharing of the lands of Africa and creating artificial boundaries to merge incompatible tribes into one nation has caused much spilling of blood in Africa. Some of the indigenous people of Biafra were carved into Cameroon, Gabon, Congo, Ethiopia, Nigeria, etc. Most of the descendants of the ancestors of Biafraland have lost their ancestral root but only the Biafrans living in the present South East Region of Nigeria, parts of the South-South Region and parts of the Middle Belt Region are still upholding their ancestral identity as descendants of indigenous people of Biafra.




We have instituted a suit in the Federal High Court of Nigeria seeking, among other things, to exercise our right to self-determination. It is our position that what Biafra lost after the war of 1967-1970 was its sovereignty and not its people and what Nigeria got was a mere military conquest and not political victory. We have been forced to become Nigerians in an unholy marriage with the people of the North and West who hate us with perfect hatred because of who we are. The Government of Nigeria has persecuted and maltreated us beyond description. However, despite all the persecutions against us, we have continued to maintain our indigenous identity as Biafrans, though some of our brethren in the present South-South and Middle Belt of Nigeria have been forced to deny their Biafran identity in order to escape the persecution. We are an enterprising and industrious Christian nation practising republican democracy with an ideology of meritocracy and fair competition for which we are hated and persecuted by other Nigerians. International law is clear that it is the will of the people that determines and legitimizes the political status of a people. We are not free in Nigeria to develop and exercise our talents for the benefit of humanity. We feel like slaves in Nigeria and are actually regarded as second class citizens. It is therefore our people’s will to become an independent nation. As the people of South Sudan said in the course of agitating for their independence, we also say that “unity by force is slavery”. Thus, we have put the Nigerian Government on Notice that we are Biafrans by indigenous identity, though forced against our will to become Nigerians. We now strongly desire for independence by due process of law.


It is necessary at this time to ask the most important question: Why do the remnants of the Biafrans still desire freedom from Nigeria? It is natural that whenever a people are oppressed and persecuted by the government of the country in which they live, they will desire freedom. This is a spiritual principle which we can also find in the Bible. In Exodus 3: 7 – 10, the LORD God Almighty said to Moses, “I have surely seen the affliction of my people which are in Egypt and have heard their cry by reason of their taskmasters; for I know their sorrows. And I have come down to deliver them out of the hand of the Egyptians…Now therefore, behold the cry of the children of Israel has come unto me, and I have also seen the oppression wherewith the Egyptians oppress them. Come now therefore, and I will send you to Pharaoh, that you may bring forth my people, the children of Israel, out of Egypt.”

God said that the cry of the children of Israel had come unto him by reason of their bondage, persecution and oppression in Egypt. In the same way, God is saying that the cry of the Biafrans has come unto him by reason of their bondage, persecution and oppression in Nigeria. But who cried among the Biafrans? Was it the big man and his family who had denied their Biafran identity in order to receive favour from the oppressors? Was it the Abuja contractor who is in the good books of the oppressors that cried? Or, was it the politicians imposed on the Biafrans by the oppressors that cried? In every country where the people of an ethnic identity are persecuted, there are always some evil people among the oppressed tribe who would deny their identity, betray the common good of their people and receive favours from the oppressors. These people do not cry for freedom and in fact do not want their troubled tribe to be free because they are benefiting from the oppressive government. They live in opulence in the best mansions and drive the best cars and jet planes despite the excruciating pains of poverty in the land. These politicians from Biafraland serving in the Nigerian Government do not represent the people of Biafra. Their involvement in the government of Nigeria should not be used to assess the will of our people for self-determination.

We want to be free to develop our talents as a Christian nation for the benefit of mankind and to worship our God without interference from the Moslems who are forcing all Nigerians to convert to Islam or be killed by the Islamic Jihadists. In three years of separate existence from 1967 – 1970 as Biafrans, we astonished the whole world with our scientific and technological inventions that would have helped all nations of the world today. We are a gifted nation and should be allowed to shine as stars in our own country known from time immemorial as the LAND OF THE RISING SUN.



We the Biafrans have no intention of destroying Nigeria which was created by the Great Britain. Though we were forced against our will to become Nigerians, we have developed all parts of Nigeria with multi-billion naira investments which generate revenues to the governments of the various States where our investments are located but the people of other tribes do not invest in our own region. The peoples of other tribes see us as intruders and invaders from the East coming to dominate them in their own lands. Unfortunately, we have not developed our own region because we were deceived into believing in One Nigeria where everybody would have equal citizenship rights. We do not think that Nigeria will collapse or disintegrate if we leave the unholy union because the owners of Nigeria can live happily and manage their country without us. Egypt did not collapse or disintegrate when the Israelites left. India did not collapse or disintegrate when Bangladesh left. Ethiopia did not collapse or disintegrate when Eritrea left. Sudan did not collapse or disintegrate when South Sudan left last year. At the moment, Scotland wants to leave Britain and we believe that the Great Britain will still remain even if Scotland leaves the union. Why are the Nigerians afraid to let the Biafrans go? If Nigeria shall disintegrate at all, it will not be caused by the Biafrans but by the wickedness and injustice in the Nigerian polity.

That the indigenous people of Biafra have an unquenchable thirst and hunger for freedom is certain. The message of Biafra has been passed down to the children from generation to generation just as the message of the captivity of Israel in Egypt was passed down from generation to generation for four hundred years. We believe that the map of Biafra deleted by the Europeans at the Berlin Conference in 1884-1885 shall be redrawn, even if it does not include all the original tribes that made up the ancient country. In the Suit No FHC/OW/CS/192/2013, the Claimants defined the indigenous people of Biafra as the inhabitants of the South-East geopolitical region of Nigeria, parts of the South-South geopolitical region of Nigeria and parts of the Middle Belt region of Nigeria. Though our enemies sowed some seeds of discord among us to divide the Eastern Region of Nigeria, we know that we are of a common ancestry. In fact, anybody who takes time to study the history will understand that all the people in the Eastern Nigeria and parts of the Middle Belt are of one ancestral root. This is why their customs and traditions are similar. The Biafra case for self-determination pending in the Federal High Court Owerri is an official demand on the sovereign to let the Biafrans go.





The fact that the Biafrans have maintained their identity as a people and continued to struggle for independence for 57 years since after the war despite the persecutions meted out to them is clear evidence of the will of the people for self-determination. We are a viable nation and strongly believe that we shall gain independence from Nigeria. We have remained as a people practising community-based customary governance under our Council of Elders. We therefore request the US House of Representatives to accord due recognition to the Customary Government of  Indigenous People of Biafra and the Council of Elders of Indigenous People of Biafra to enable us to satisfy the requirements of international law for sovereignty. We are an enterprising people in science, arts, commerce and industry. In fact, with all the natural resources in Biafraland, our land may be described as a land flowing with milk and honey. We strongly request for the assistance of the United States Government  in our quest for independence.




It is our opinion that the amalgamation of all the tribes to form the entity known as Nigeria was like a forced marriage of incompatible bedfellows. It is a spiritual principle contained in the Bible that two cannot walk together unless they are in agreement, Amos 3:3. The peoples of the east, west and north are not in agreement and their lifestyles are incompatible. The United Kingdom of Great Britain is an excellent example where the four countries of England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland exist in harmony as a nation but each remaining separate and autonomous. History has taught us that forced political marriages do not last. The major countries amalgamated by the British Colonial Masters have broken up along the lines of compatible tribes and tongues. India was a colony of Britain but broke up after its independence resulting in the three countries today called India, Pakistan and Bangladesh after brutal and prolonged civil wars. South Sudan was another great empire built by the British which broke up into two countries in July 2011 after prolonged civil war. Other great empires of the modern world wielded together by colonial powers have broken up along their ethnic lines. Malaysia broke up immediately after independence into Singapore and Malaysia. Indonesia broke up into Indonesia and East Timor. Czechoslovakia broke up into The Czech Republic and The Slovak Republic. Yugoslavia broke up into five countries namely, Serbia, Croatia, Kosovo, Monte Negro and Bosnia-Herzegovina. The USSR was formed in 1917, three years after Nigeria, and broke up few years ago into dozens of separate countries. The truth is that forced marriages do not stand the test of marriage and must be dissolved either by Court Order or by self-help of desertion. The Americans have also predicted the collapse of Nigeria within 15 years from 2005.

We would like to allay the fears of the members of the international community and the peoples of other tribes in Nigeria who have various investments in Eastern Nigeria. We would also like to allay the fears of many Biafrans who have properties and investments in the northern and western Nigeria. When independence is achieved by legal method, all parties are happy and satisfied as there will be no loss on either side. In fact, a Biafran may decide to hold double citizenships or nationalities just as some Nigerian citizens are also British citizens and American citizens. If the Biafrans gain independence, all the westerners and northerners in the East will continue to live in Biafraland and carry on with their works and businesses. The only difference is that it would be like living in a foreign country of which the nationality laws permit a person to acquire the citizenship of the country by naturalization.

Your Honors’, assist us  to ensure that machinery is urgently put in motion that will lead to urgent but peaceful separation of Biafra from Nigeria without rancour, friction or bloodsh

Yours faithfully,


Engr Anthony Aniebue

Administrator-Customary Government of Indigenous People of Biafra


    The coup of January 15, 1966 caught me by surprise. The first thing that hit me was-here am I in the northernmost part of Nigeria surrounded completely by troops and I have not even tried to find out their allegiance. The telegram they informed me about the coup came to me at the parade ground.
    The first thing was to try to get some sense from Lagos for about 14 hours I called numbers, but people were telling me nothing. I did not realize the suspicion everybody had in everybody. I suppose it was my persistence that got Ironsi [the late Supreme Commander of former Nigeria] to speak to me. He told me what actually happened. He said that the Cabinet [the disturbed civilian federal government] was meeting.
    The federal government later handed over power to the army to stabilize the situation. I found this extremely confusing. Nobody knew where any other person in the Army was.
     After Ironsi’s first broadcast, I immediately spoke, I was the most senior officer in Northern Nigeria, to the North. Somebody else spoke to the West. Ejoor spoke to the East. The announcements had a snowball effect. They helped in restoring confidence and a sense of direction in the army. The country also became clear about the change.
     After that announcement I got on to Nzeogwu [one of the leaders of the coup], then in Kaduna, and said, “ You are now famous. You should now demonstrate to the world that you have no personal motive in the coup. Now that the G.O.C has called, all you have to do is to get back into line.” Before then there had been friction between Nzeogwu and myself because I maintained my independence…. The announcement affected him [Nzeogwu].
    This is how I got involved in the government. Nzeogwu found it difficult to except my advice, though he realized it was already a fait accompli. I continued to talk….. I wanted him to fall in line, and quite suddenly he said to me, “If you say so I agree”. I told Ironsi that Nzeogwu had agreed. Later, I was ordered to Lagos and appointed [military governor] for the East, Fajuyi for the West, Ejoor for the Midwest, and Hasan Katsina for the North.
     Ironsi tried very hard to unify the country. Personally, I think he went too fast. Or rather, he delayed too long, and when he started he went to fast without explaining.
    If the unification of the country had been done within the first week of the coup, perhaps the popular impact and the enthusiasm [generated by the January 15 coup] would have carried it through. Subsequent events, however, clearly indicated that the violent reaction of Northern Nigeria could have been only a delayed action on that the North could never have allowed any form of unity which sought to broaden the Northerners national outlook and turn them into Nigerians. When Ironsi moved, he was quite willing to give a blank degree unifying everything. I resisted that quite a bit.
    Assets of the then Eastern region was seized. I maintained that we should get the constitutional proposals first agreed before the assets will put into the common pool. The North did not agree with me.
     I got myself more and more involved in the politics of the change – more involved because I think really I was perhaps better equipped than most of the military leaders to handle political issues owing to my background, education, and training in administration before joining the Army. So I really got quite involved. The Supreme Military Council tried a number of things to inspire confidence and strengthen the unity of the country, but actually there was much to do, and before the whole place could be stabilized the North struck on May 29, 1966.
     I still harbored hopes for unity, but I told Ironsi then that this was the last sacrifice the people of former Eastern Nigeria could be expected to make.
     In spite of this pogram, I still thought that the army had a chance to keep Nigeria together, and that chance was to try to get everybody looking upon the government as the government. All I asked of the Supreme Military Council was a Commission of Inquiry on the May massacre. I did not quite realize how far Northern Nigeria was prepared to go. If I knew, perhaps my suggestion would have been different. The council decided on the method of inquiry. But as soon as it was announced, the Northern emirs met and told us that the instructions from Lagos would only be carried out over their dead bodies.
    My whole attitude then was to establish once and for all that there was a government. For this reason, we insisted and set August 2, 1966, for the beginning of the inquiry. In doing this, the council [the Supreme Military Council] wanted also to demonstrate that it was going to be fair- a British judge would be the chairman and there would be commissioners from Northern Nigeria. On July 29, 1966, they [the Northerners] struck again. This time they killed Ironsi.
    After that, I knew that the end had come. The murder of 3,000 people, by any stretch of imagination, was terrible. 30,000 was the third massacre [September 29, 1966, pogrom], but there was nothing in the past to match the cruelty and sadism of the last massacre.
    After the July 29, 1966, mutiny, I tried to get Lagos on the phone. All efforts failed. When eventually I got Lagos, nobody was willing to tell me what was happening. At last I got and spoke to the next most senior officer in Lagos [Brigadier Ogundipe]. I said to Brigadier Ogundipe: “What are you doing? Get the Army together; don’t let it disintegrate”. He said it was very difficult because he could not get the soldiers to obey him. But I told him to take a risk and shout at them; to get on the air and say something to the country. “
    Tell them that you are the next most senior officer, you do not know where the Supreme Commander is, but you are trying to control the situation”. After a long time, he said “OK, I will do it”. When the statement was made over the air, it was a most supine statement. He said something like this: “Perhaps you do not know me, my name is Femi Ogundipe.
    I am trying to do my best”, and that was the end! This only added to the confusion. Again I got on the phone to Brigadier Ogundipe, who said, “These people [Northern Nigerian soldiers] want to go [secede]; they say they cannot stop killing people unless we allow them to separate”. I advised that if that would stop the bloodshed, he should let them go. On another occasion after this I tried once again to contact him on the telephone-I waited for nearly half an hour without success-the man had fled.
    Now what could I do? Luckily, both coups had not affected the then East. I thought of it, talked to Ejoor and even Katsina, but could not get any sense out of them. So I decided to phone Gowon. I rang him, but Mohammed [Colonel Mohammed] answered. He fetched Gowon, and as we were talking, it was quite clear a number of people [Northern Nigerian officers] were standing with them. Gowon could not answer any point unless he discussed it with the people standing around.
    I got this conversation taped. He insisted he was going to announce that his boys would only be satisfied if he took over, and I told him that he could do so, but not the East. “ If you want, as Chief of Staff, and only as Chief of Staff in Lagos, I will cooperate with you to enable you to stabilize the situation so that Ogundipe or whoever is next in seniority to him can assume power. He replied that the other governors had agreed with him to take over. He told me that he was going to make a statement at 7 o’clock. I phoned Ejoor; he was not very coherent, and he said that all this slaughter must stop and that he left me to do what I could to help the situation.
    Gowon announced himself the Supreme Commander, and immediately I decided with the few people available that if we once got under him we would not be able to get anything and all our people would be massacred under the legal cover of the assumed legitimacy of his rebellion. But if we stayed out and negotiated we could save our people. So I spoke out immediately that I did not recognize him as the head of the government. Later, I sent a team to Lagos to the Ad Hoc Constitutional Conference. While the team was discussing our Constitution, we endured another massacre on September 29, 1966.
     Ever since, I have made suggestions to bring about a solution. But each time a suggestion was made it was rejected and more bitterness was generated.
     When we found ourselves at Aburi, Ghana, it was our last chance. Those decisions at Aburi could have saved the situation, but again Gowon was very badly advised. He was very badly advised, though he was carried along by the way we all talked. My last statement to the group was: “ I know what is worrying you. We cannot solve this problem by hitting each other across the face. If we keep the agreements made here, Jack, I would probably ask this body to appoint you the Supreme Commander”. This you can ask General Ankrah. Gowon left his seat, came over to me, and embraced me. It was then Ankrah that said “All right, let us shake hands”.  When we ended the meeting, and came out of the hall, Gowon and Ankrah and I sat in Ankrah’s car and there he took my hand and placed it on Gowon’s hand and said, “Both of you have got 56 million people to look after.
    If you keep to these agreements you will achieve peace; if you don’t, then whatever comes is your fault. You have seen the way, it is up to you.
     As a gesture of peace, I made a short visit to the Midwest before coming back to the East. I must say this for Gowon: The first three days after our return to Nigeria he did all right. But on the fourth day, he mentioned there was one publication he wanted to publish: Crisis 66. I said, “Why publish it now? If you do so, my people would now want me to answer and the whole problem would begin all over again”.
    I suggested, “collect them, keep them, if I misbehave then publish it”.
    He agreed. The next day the publication was announced all over the world. I rang him and he explained it as a leak. I spent the whole day discussing with him how to punish the director of the Ministry of Information. That night, tuning the various radio stations, I discovered that the book was formally launched by ambassadors in London, Washington, and Ghana; it was not a leak!
     Then the various attempts to implement Aburi failed, the refusal to pay our money came, the economic blockade followed, and finally came the fragmentation of the country.
     It was under these circumstances that Biafra was born. When it was born I made a statement and said it was going to be hard time.
    I thought possibly that Gowon would try after that to bring us together very quickly. Intelligence reports spoke about the massing of troops by Gowon on Biafra‘s borders. He declared war. There had been an opportunity to strike first, but I knew that no matter what our temporary advantage, eventually with the Nigerian resources they would be able to push us back. So it became very important to me that the world should know that I was not the aggressor. We fought well for six weeks; then we were at par. British help came to Nigeria, and then Russian. Attempts at subversion, and then the journey to the slaughterhouse resumed. This was a journey that started from the Northernmost part of the country and then slowly came to this place. It is not power I wanted. I initially came to this post as a routine military duty.
    Looking back at it, I do not think I had a choice. Each time I felt perhaps that I had a choice.
    Could I, after the July 29 massacre, say to the people of the East “ I resign, I am going ?”
    C. Odumegwu Ojukwu
    Interview with Jim Wilde of Time magazine, Umuahia, August 16, 1968


Ndubuisi Vincent

Nigeria already at boiling point, FG must act fast, says cleric

President Muhammadu Buhari has been called upon to seize the opportunity available to him to set machinery in place for true restructuring of the country, otherwise Nigeria is fast sliding towards the precipice and that the nation is already at a boiling point. .

This was the submission in a message to the nation by Supreme Head of the Cherubim & Seraphim Unification Church of Nigeria, His Most Eminence Prophet (Dr.) Solomon Alao, during his sermon on the occasion of the 92nd anniversary of the founding of the church held at Maba village, along Lagos-Ibadan Expressway, Asese, in Ogun State on Saturday.

According to Alao, once the country is restructure to reflect true federalism, and there was equitable distribution of resources of the country, agitations for secession and breakup of the country would cease.

Said he, “I have said it many time and I am saying it again that if we fail to restructure, we (Nigeria) is heading for trouble. Our failure to restructure would affect a lot of things. Investors will not come here; there will continue to be internal strives and this agitations will continue.

“Let the Federal Government conduct a plebiscite or referendum across the country to allow each states and region determine how they want to be ruled in the restructured process. Every state should be allowed to control what it own. As it is, things are getting to a boiling point and the Federal Government must act fast.”

Apostle Alao, who condemn the calls for separation of the country in small units based on secession as being agitated in some quarters, however, urged the Federal Government to urgently address the multifarious challenges confronting the nation like the incessant farmers/herders clashes, agitation, ethno-religious crises and so forth

While commending the President u-led government for working to end recession, Alao also urged the Federal Government to put in place polities that are favourable to all sections of the country irrespective of ethnic, religious or bias.

source: The Sun

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IPOB kicks against Operation Python Dance

The Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) yesterday urged the Chief of Army Staff, Lt. Gen. Tukur Yusuf Buratai not to roll his men into Biafraland as agitation for self determination is being conducted peacefully.

 Reacting to the recently launched Operation Python Dance in the South-East by the army, IPOB described as a “wickedly, undemocratic silent Jihadi war unleashed on peaceful Biafran population, in order to complete the extermination of the Igbo race under the pretext of military exercise in a peaceful civilian environment.”

The group urged men and women of good conscience to challenge what it called an act of primitive criminal intimidation and provocation.

In a statement signed by IPOB Media and Publicity Secretary, Emma Powerful, the group noted that the latest attempt to use military show of force in Biafraland to deal with legitimate peaceful agitation for self-determination (Operation Python Dance) vindicates its position that Nigeria is irredeemably primitive and incapable of human development.

 “Where on earth is it heard that combat-ready troops are deployed within the borders of a country, to deal with a non-violent civil matter? Only in Nigeria.

“It makes a mockery of the role of the military and nonsense of the Constitution that soldiers can be ordered by one army officer, without the permission of the Senate, to kill civilian populations in an area devoid of any conflict.

 The Nigerian army are only strong when it comes to killing unarmed peaceful civilians.

 “We, IPOB, advice Buratai not to march his army into Biafraland, under the cover of Operation Python Dance because IPOB is agitating for self determination in a peaceful manner.

“We have no arms and will never resort to bearing arms. Buratai should rather focus attention on the Boko Haram-ravaged areas of Borno, Yobe, and Adamawa.

“We are peaceful people by nature but will not tolerate any molestation or intimidation on our soil.

 “The few crazy people cheering Buratai on with this ill advised military exercise were the same people that called for the execution of Mohammed Yusuf, the peaceful Boko Haram leader. His death gave Nigerians Abubakar Shekau and the deadly insurgency ravaging the North today. Successive Nigerian governments are good at creating problems out of nothing. Had the Nigerian Government not executed Mohammed Yusuf in cold blood, there wouldn’t have been any Boko Haram as we know it today.

 “Had Ken Saro-Wiwa not been executed by the Nigerian state, there would be no militancy in the Niger Delta.

“We advice Buratai to take back his armoured tanks to the war front in the North where it’s needed as we are not fighting any war in the East. 

 “We ask every Biafran to remain calm and continue to be law abiding in our peaceful agitation to restore Biafra.

“Let nobody entertain any fear because the world knows we are IPOB and as such, we are without fear before our enemies.

soure: The Sun

Lassa fever cases reported in 19 states

The Nigeria Centre for Disease Control on Thursday confirmed at least one reported Lassa fever case in each of 19 states in the current outbreak which started in December 2016.

The development was published in a report on NCDC’s website.

The 19 states are Ogun, Bauchi, Plateau, Ebonyi, Ondo, Edo, Taraba, Nasarawa, Rivers, Kaduna, Gombe, Cross River, Borno, Kano, Kogi, Enugu, Anambra, Kwara and Lagos.

The report said the outbreak was active in Ondo, Edo, Plateau, Bauchi, Ogun, Kaduna, Kwara and Lagos states.

The report said that since the onset of the outbreak in December 2016, a total of 263 cases had been classified, 249 confirmed and 85 deaths recorded.

The report also said one new suspected case was reported in Plateau, two new confirmed cases were reported in Edo but no death recorded within the week.

There were three pending results, two from Ondo and one from Plateau, the report added.


Source: Punch

Breaking News: Police arrest ex-corporal, five others for abducting, killing Imo Catholic priest

The suspected killers of Rev Fr Cyriacus Onunkwo of the Orlu Catholic diocese in Imo State were on Thursday paraded before newsmen by the state commissioner of police, Chris Ezike.

The prime suspect is a 32-year-old ex-corporal, Jude Madu, who masterminded the abduction of the cleric.

The Rev Fr was kidnapped while returning home from the funeral rites of his father, Celestine Onunkwo.

Others are Izuchukwu Okafor, 28, from Ukwukwa in Azia in Anambra state; Cyril Onyema, 29, from Okwelle in Imo state; Emmanuel Ozuigbo, 29, Ezeagu in Enugu state; Victor Ikechukwu, 33, from Obowo in Imo state; and Ifechukwu Nwosu, 28, a native of Azia in Ihiala Local Government Area.

According to the CP, the operations which led to the arrest of the kidnappers cut across three states of Imo, Anambra and Rivers.

The police boss said the late priest’s telephone and his wrist watch were recovered from two out of the six suspects.

Ezike said, “The investigating team using forensic technology and backed up by hard work, commitment, passion and hunger for success arrested ex-corporal Jude Madu who was found in possession of late Rev Fr Onunkwo’s Infinix telephone handset”.

According to the CP, the ex-corporal “was a member of the Armed robbery/kidnapping syndicate and took part in the operation. He holds a National Diploma from Abia State Polytechnic, Aba, and was arrested on September 5, at control post in Owerri in possession of the deceased’s phone. He has confessed to the crime.”

Lagos, Abuja, anywhere Igbo reside and invest is part of Biafra -MASSOB

The leader of the Movement for the Actualization of the Sovereign State of Biafra, Comrade Kingsley Madu, on Thursday, declared that Lagos, Nigeria’s capital territory, Abuja, and other cities where Igbos reside and own major investments are all part of ‘Biafraland’.

“Pro-Biafra groups have adopted a new ideology which stated that any part of the country where a large population of Igbos is found, and where Igbos contributed towards human and material development, is part of Biafra,” Madu said.

According to him, ‘Biafrans’ do not want to ‘confine’ themselves to a particular place.

The MASSOB leader made the declaration at Awgu, in Enugu, during a rally organised to welcome the leader of another pro-Biafra group, the Biafra National Guard, ‘General’ Innocent Oji.

Oji was recently released from detention.

The Biafra National Guard is said to be the ‘military wing’ of the pro-Biafra groups.

Addressing the rally, Madu raised the alarm over the alleged sacking of Igbo traders from a portion of land at Trade Fair and FESTAC in Lagos.

He said the affected traders were evicted by Lagos State Government after they had invested billions of naira in developing the area.

Igbo would not be forced out in any part of Nigeria, where they invested lots of resources to develop, Madu vowed.

Stressing that Lagos and Abuja are part of Biafra, he said, “Some years back a portion of land at Trade Fair and FESTAC were conceded to our people for development in Lagos.

“After spending billions of naira in developing this part of Lagos for the economic growth of Nigerian government, today information reaching us is that the Federal Government, conniving with the Lagos State Government, yesterday retrieved the land, the platform, all the investment and everything from the people of Biafra.

“This is part of the reason for Biafra agitation.

“And we are warning because we now believe that everywhere an Igbo man is is part of Biafra.

“That is the latest ideology we have.

“We don’t want to confine ourselves to a particular place; we now believe that wherever our foot touches is our land that is Biafra.

“Lagos is also Biafra, Abuja is also Biafra.

“Anywhere our people are that place is Biafra.

“So what we are saying now is that that part of Lagos that our people developed with their money is also part of Biafra and we cannot leave.”

The MASSOB leader, however, advised Igbos to locate their investments in the ‘Biafra mainland’, South-East and South-South, where they are guaranteed safety and protection.

He welcomed Oji back home after several years in detention.

Earlier, Oji, leader of Biafra National Guard, commended Madu for carrying on with the struggle while he was incarcerated.

Oji declared that Biafra will be achieved in less than one year.

The Biafra military wing leader warned that any attempt by the Federal Government to arrest the leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra, Nnamdi Kanu, who he described as ‘Supreme Leader’, would be met with stiff resistance.

“By the grace of God, this struggle will not last beyond one year from now because we have our strategy.

“But if the Federal Government feels we cannot do anything let them go and arrest our supreme leader, Nnamdi Kanu, for them to see what we can do,” he said.

Oji also warned the British Government, which he said was responsible for the perceived oppression of Igbos.

He said, “Have it in your mind today that Britain is aware of what is happening in Nigeria, all these things they are doing to us is caused by Britain.

“I am using this opportunity to warn Britain and their government, if they say they are not behind what Fulani herdsmen are doing to our people, killing our people and raping our women and other things, they should come out openly and deny it and ask Nigeria to let us go, otherwise when it will happen nobody should be talking about genocide, Britain should be held responsible.”

Source: Punch

I’m not for Buhari –Minister

Ahead of 2019 general elections, Minister for Women Affairs, Hajia Aisha jummai Alhassan, has declared support for former vice president Atiku Abubakar, saying President Muhammadu Buhari promised members of his party, the All Progressives Congress (APC) before he was elected in 2015 that he would only serve for one term.
The implication of the disclosure by Alhassan, is that the president may not run in 2019.
“In 2014/2015 he (Buhari) said he was going to run for only one time to clean up the mess that the (previous) PDP government did in Nigeria. And I took him for his word that he is not contesting in 2019,” an agency report quoted her as saying yesterday.
In an interview with the BBC Hausa Service, she restated her position, saying she would resign if Buhari presented himself for re-election.
The minister who was caught on camera pledging loyalty to former vice president Atiku Abubakar if he decided to run, allegedly told the media that she would personally discourage Buhari from re-contesting, insisting that she was ready to sacrifice her position in the federal cabinet.
Abubakar was deputy to former president Olusegun Obasanjo from 1999 to 2007 on the platform of the People’s Democratic Party (PDP). He joined the APC in 2014.
“If today Mr. President says he is running in 2019, I will go to him respectfully and thank him for giving me an opportunity to serve and then tell him that I have to resign because my political father may be running,” the minister fondly called “Mama Taraba” said.
Before his election in 2015, Buhari had contested and lost the presidential poll in 2003, 2017 and 2011, twice under the All Nigerian Peoples Party (ANPP) and the Congress of Progressives Change (CPC). He contested for the fourth time on the ticket of the APC, a coalition of several political parties, after beating Rabiu Kwankwaso, Atiku and others at a keenly contested primary held in Lagos.
In the interview with the BBC, Mama Taraba said: “Atiku is my godfather even before I joined politics, and again Baba Buhari did not tell us that he is going to run in 2019. And let me tell you today that if Baba said he is going to contest in 2019, I swear to Allah, I will go before him and kneel and tell him, ‘Baba, I am grateful for the opportunity you gave me to serve your government as a minister. But Baba, just like you know, I will support only Atiku because he is my godfather.’ (That is) if Atiku said he is going to contest; as we are talking now, Atiku has not said he is going to contest. Why I said our president in 2019 is because we all hope he (Atiku) is going to contest, but he never told us that he is going to contest. But if he said he is going to contest, I will surely do what I told you I will do, because if Atiku said he is going to contest and I remain in the cabinet of Baba while Baba (Atiku) also wants to contest, then I have become a hypocrite, and I am not one. If I said I am not with Atiku, Buhari himself will not trust me at all because he will say I am a hypocrite.”
Asked if it was not too early to start campaigning, she replied: “Yes, I made this statement when we went for a courtesy call during Sallah festivities. I am not going to stand before him and campaign. Besides, this is not the time for campaign. Even when my people asked me to come out and start campaigning, I told them this is not the time for that. This is the time to work for the people.”
Sher blamed political foes who wanted her fired from the Buhari cabinet, for the video that went viral. But she declared that she was not scared sack.
“…they have been going round saying I should be sacked as minister. I never hoped to be a minister, Allah gave it to me If I get sacked, it will not bother me because I believe in Allah, that my time has elapsed; because I believe only Allah do and undo. And you think Baba is a mad man like those calling for my sack? They have been sending it and spreading that if Baba sees this I will be sacked. He will not sack me from being a minister because of this, only if I commit another offence. I am doing my job as a minister with all my heart and I always protect this government because it is a government of APC. And Baba our President, the President of Nigeria and somebody that I respect even before I joined politics. I will continue to respect him as a man of integrity. For those who are saying I will be sacked, they will be shamed. And even if I am sacked, I believe it is my time as minister that has ended. I never asked for it, Allah gave it to me.”
Reacting, the APC promised to take appropriate sanction against Alhassan.
National Publicity Secretary of the governing party, Malam Bolaji Abdullahi, told Daily Sun that though the party had been following the development in the media, the national leadership of the party would meet, deliberate over it and take the necessary disciplinary action if need be.
“All I can tell you is that we are following the development. The national leadership has not met to take a decision on the issue. We will meet when we get the detail report to take the necessary disciplinary measure if need be,” he said.
Born in 1959, “Mama Taraba” narrowly missed making history as Nigeria’s first female democratically elected governor when she lost to Governor Darius Ishaku of the PDP.
A lawyer, she was former senator representing Taraba North constituency on the ticket of the PDP.
She was later appointed Minister of Women Affairs by Buhari.
Before then, she had served as the first woman to be made Secretary of the FCT Judicial Council in 2002, and Chief Registrar of the Abuja High Court in 2003.

Source: The Sun