Good Governance Ministry (GGM ) has been advocating for good governance and holding people in public offices accountable. For over the years ,the political ministry has been at the forefront of pushing for mass protest against bad Governance.

Since after the Nigeria Civil War , it has been the decision of few interest groups both internal and external forces to impose one leadership or the other. The masses of Nigerians have never elected a President who would represent public interest . It has always been the interest of the few cabals who have heartlessly hijacked all the processes of production leaving the people without hope.

GGM has been preaching for the power of the people and that the only way out of the wood is for the people to protest against these wicked cabals in Government. Luckily ,hunger has united all the people together to resist bad governance in any form.

Indeed ,the judgement day is here with us . There is no going back to the journey to economic and political freedom.

GGM stands with the masses of Nigeria on the national protest against bad governance.We encourage all our supporters to be part of the peaceful protest . We also, stand with those who wish to protest in other ways including sitting at home , protesting online etc.

We have been raped badly by the political elites and protest remains the only democratic instrument they fear .

We expect Government at the federal and State levels to build democratic institutions that will evenly distribute Nigeria abundant natural resources.Any serious government will put every Nigerian into a reliable database through which effective planning and execution will be carried out. The current tokenism approach is like pouring water in a basket .

GGM expects a total overhaul of the entire system including the ”unitary” Constitution.

The National Protest must be strategically sustained and no violence or destruction of public assets should be allowed . Those who are working for Government to discredit the people protest should be smoked out and dealt with .

All NNPC top management staff must be sacked immediately. Our fuel must be sold at a priice not more than N150 per litre . All the natural resources including crude oil and natural gas must be returned to the owners immediately.

We urge Nigerians to remain steadfast and resolute in demanding for and effecting good governance and corruption-free public service in Nigeria.

We salute all good, courageous, and liberal-minded Nigerians who have raised their voices in support of the call for a renaissant, healthy, and progressive Nigerian state.

Ndubuisi Anaenugwu
Ambassador- General,
Good Governance Ministry (GGM)


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