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The president’s full speech runs:

My dear citizens,

I am very grateful to God and to all Nigerians for their prayers. I am pleased to be back on home soil among my brothers and sisters.

In the course of my stay in the United Kingdom, I have been kept in daily touch with events at home. Nigerians are robust and lively in discussing their affairs, but I was distressed to notice that some of the comments, especially in the social media have crossed our national red lines by daring to question our collective existence as a nation. This is a step too far.

In 2003 after I joined partisan politics, the late Chief Emeka Ojukwu came and stayed as my guest in my hometown Daura. Over two days we discussed in great depth till late into the night and analyzed the problems of Nigeria. We both came to the conclusion that the country must remain one and united.

Nigeria’s unity is settled and not negotiable. We shall not allow irresponsible elements to start trouble and when things get bad they run away and saddle others with the responsibility of bringing back order, if necessary with their blood.

Every Nigerian has the right to live and pursue his business anywhere in Nigeria without let or hindrance.

I believe the very vast majority of Nigerians share this view.

This is not to deny that there are legitimate concerns. Every group has a grievance. But the beauty and attraction of a federation is that it allows different groups to air their grievances and work out a mode of co-existence.

The National Assembly and the National Council of State are the legitimate and appropriate bodies for national discourse.

The national consensus is that, it is better to live together than to live apart.

Furthermore, I am charging the Security Agencies not to let the successes achieved in the last 18 months be a sign to relax.

Terrorists and criminals must be fought and destroyed relentlessly so that the majority of us can live in peace and safety.

Therefore we are going to reinforce and reinvigorate the fight not only against;

• elements of Boko Haram which are attempting a new series of attacks on soft targets

• kidnappings, farmers versus herdsmen clashes,

• in addition to ethnic violence fuelled by political mischief makers. We shall tackle them all.

Finally, dear Nigerians, our collective interest now is to eschew petty differences and come together to face common challenges of;

• economic security,

• political evolution and integration

• as well as lasting peace among all Nigerians.

I remain resolutely committed to ensuring that these goals are achieved and maintained. 

I am so glad to be home.

Thank you and may God bless our dear Nation.”

Press Statement –

 Members of the Press, Ladies and Gentlemen, I make this Statement on behalf of the Chairman and the entire Leadership of the Movement of Biafrans in Nigeria (MOBIN), the political arm of the Indigenous people of Biafra (IPOB).

 It has become necessary for MOBIN to address the public on our quest for the self-determination of the Biafran people through due process of the law, which includes political, diplomatic and judicial processes. Pursuant to this, MOBIN reached an agreement with the national leadership of the party to from partnership for building the party as a Biafran brand.

 MOBIN has activated the three strategic engagements. For our political process, our organization went into an alliance with the United Progressive Party (UPP) in lieu of a Biafran National Party. MOBIN believes that the time has come for us to report to Biafrans and the general public our experience in the quest to achieve Biafra self-determination through political participation. We make this press statement as part of our promise to our Biafra people to always ensure that Equity, Justice and Fairness- which is what Biafra ideology represents is maintained and respected by the party in all its dealings with MOBIN and party faithful in general.

 Against all norms of democratic practice and civilized conducts obtainable in all democracies, MOBIN regrets to make public the fragrant violations and bizarre abuses perpetrated by the leadership of the UPP at National level, as led by Chief Chekwas Okorie:

·         The UPP national leadership instead of ratifying the Delegates list for conducting the Anambra State governorship primaries, they (the national leadership) sat in abuja national secretariat and mutilated the list by adding and removing names, re-designating several elected officials with the single aim of deciding for their nefarious purpose, who should be the delegates for the Anambra primaries against the express provisions of the UPP constitution and the Electoral Act. This was done in such a bizarre manner that a particular candidate has already been favoured by the doctoring that went on across board in all the LGAs of the state. This act of impunity saw a man taking up the position of woman leader in some wards, dead people taking the posts of chairmen and many chairmen downgraded as vice or other offices. Some were even taken off completely. What an act of rascality by people bestowed with public trust! Let me use the Anambra East LGA Wards Executives list as example of the said mutilation that has occurred in all the LGAs to give you an insight into what happened. The Anambra East LGA has a total of 15 wards; this will give you a total of 75 delegates emanating from this LGA since each produces 5 delegates namely: Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Woman leader, and Youth leader. Out of this 75, 38 names (57.33%), Nando ward III where the entire list was excluded by the national. We also gathered that the reason for these strange exclusions of some ward lists by the national exco is for their perceived absence of party members loyal to their favoured candidate, and replacements of which they are working out as we speak. These illegal and fraudulent re-designation and replacements of elected officials is purposely meant to deny these authentically elected Ward executives their rights to vote at  the Anambra guber primaries. As said, in some cases, the entire lists submitted by the State EXCO for some Wards were totally thrown out and new names imported. It is important to state  at this juncture that many of these imports are not UPP members but drafted for the purpose using them for the primaries only.  How can you go to primaries with this level of manipulation and criminality? Where’s is the Biafra Ideology? Where’s the fairness? Where is the Democracy the UPP has promised?

As it stands, MOBIN will never be part of a system that upholds injustice, criminality and impunity, and can never support any candidate that emerges from this skewed process even if he is a pro-Biafran. MOBIN is totally committed to the integrity and had wanted to use the Anambra governorship election as a test case and for the gauging of the preparedness of Biafrans for the Biafra model of change. For the members of MOBIN therefore, the integrity of the process is far greater than its outcome.  All the candidates of UPP for the primaries are Biafrans by birth so the issue of MOBIN supporting a particular candidate doesn’t even arise as our position is hinged on JUSTICE, EQUITY, FARENESS AND ABSOLUTE INTERNAL DEMOCRACY which is what Biafra ideology represents and MOBIN will defend these cardinal principles to their logical conclusions.

Therefore, as a political arm of Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) that went into an alliance with UPP, MOBIN is insisting that the party does what is right before the law viz-a-viz respecting the party constitution and states that;

·         MOBIN is supporting the action of one of us Mr. Obi Emekaekwue who’s the party’s Assistant Publicity Secretary in Anambra State UPP Exco that went to court to insist that the party constitution be respected. In the said court order, the court is mandating the party to respect Article 10(4)(i-ix) and xi which stipulates the category of people that must be part of the congress.  Also, MOBIN is insisting that the party respects Article 12(1) and (35) of her constitution which states that the congress for the state can only be presided over by the State Working Committee of the party while the National organ of the party will only observe the process.

We are making it emphatically clear that our alliance with UPP is in no way a servant and master relationship as our organization was given a key role as the mobilization agents of the party, which we have done judiciously and thus has earned us the right to challenge this gross criminality and impunity in the process as partners. MOBIN cannot allow itself to be ridiculed in any way after assuring Biafrans that UPP represents a new dawn.

We have the vision of self-determination by due process of law and will never compromise. We want a Biafra where honesty, justice, fairness, truth and righteousness will prevail. MOBIN cannot afford its vision to be destroyed by political journeymen and jobbers.

UPP has been hijacked by PDP- Dr Mefor

I wouldn’t have believed Mobin if I haven’t taken the pains to compare the state list of delegates that was sent to the national for ratification and what we see on the website of the UPP which I they plan to conduct the primaries with. I can confirm that the level of alterations done by the national ranges from 40 to 60% percent indeed for reasons best known to them. I am quite saddened for the simple fact that both the national organising secretary and the national chairman told me such alterations never happened, only obvious corrections. But this are fare-faced lies when actual facts are considered, and coming from  such level of officers of the party.

For the avoidance of doubt, let me give a personal example of how I believe the national Exco has messed up the delegates list, may be believing they are dealing with a bunch of people that have no rights and brains: my Abatete Award delegates list aent to national by the state exco was entirety thrown out and replaced with people I am yet to confirm whether they are acually from Abatete. What manner of  correction? The whole 5 delegates from Abatete corrected out and replaced by the national There are similar tales of woe everywhere, at valiance with the assurances of integrity of the process that I personally received from the national chairman. I wonder how these national officers who not even from Anambra state let from Abatete got to know UPP members from my town/Ward as to replace those we elected to lead us in the Abatete Ward with those they now prefer. What is more, the Abatete example is not isolated but evident across board.

I also recall that the Flint Obiekwe harmonization  committee took care of all observations over a month ago. Why did the national chose to set aside the list arrived at by the harmonization committee that it set up? What really is going on?

It is time for members of the party as stakeholders to speak up. Those of us who newly joined the party thinking it is any different feel quite actualize and ashamed that what is happening in other political parties may even be a child’s play to that of the UPP.

I personally advise the national to take very urgent steps to restore confidence in party faithfuls and reconcile with the state Exco and have a primacies that is rancor free by relying on the delegates list the state generated from its Wards and LGs . That way, the party will enter the real guber  race without being fractured. If this is not done, the party stands no chance of coming even a distant third in this election, let alone winning it, as all the forces that should direct their efforts at general election will have been spent in the infighting. Such inevitable war of attrition, which has already begun, has a predictable end which is not noble.

Let’s bind our party’s  fresh wounds. UPP is bleeding profusely and may harborage to death if leadership is not fully exercised now.

Those who fail to learn from history are truly condemned to a repeat class.

A word is enough for the wise.

Dr. Law Mefor
(Anueyiagu Abatete)
UPP member, Abatete Ward.




Despite all entreaties, including an order of court that the United Progressive Party should adhere to the provisions of its own constitution in the conduct of the Anambra state governorship primaries, the party appears determined to violate its own constitution in the manner I shall lay down below.

1] Article 23[3] of the UPP constitution states clearly, that “aspirants for the office of the governor SHALL be elected by the STATE CONGRESS subject to the approval of the national executive committee”. It follows therefore that the state executive committee led by the Chairman should be the body to accredit and conduct the affairs of the state congress scheduled for today the 19th of August 2017. The role of the eminent members of the panel sent from the national headquarters of the party is supervisory.

2] After a hotly contested ward and local government congress in June 2017, in line with Article 10[4] of the UPP constitution, a delegates list comprised of local government chairmen and secretaries and ward chairmen, secretaries, treasurers, youth leaders and women leaders was compiled and counter signed by the state chairman and secretary and all the local government chairmen and forwarded to the national headquarters for record purposes.

To the surprise and consternation of party members, a delegates list copiously at variance with the list of ELECTED delegates was uploaded on the website of the UPP on the 29th of July 2017 and variously amended on the 4th and 5th of August 2017. The website list contains names of members of a campaign organization and some fictitious names with no phone numbers unlike the authentic delegates list that had the phone numbers of all delegates displayed.

I notified the national chairman of the party, Chief Chekwas Okorie who promised to take steps to remedy the situation and assured me that he would not allow anything that will affect the integrity of the primaries. But it appears that some members of the panel he sent to supervise the primaries did not heed his counsel, as they have not only decided to conduct the primaries but also to use the illegal delegates list in the process.

I will conclude by stating clearly, that the use of unelected delegates for the purpose of the UPP governorship primaries by the Anambra state congress will be a violation of Section 87 of the Electoral Act 2010 as amended.

I wish to bring this to your notice as you are empowered by law to monitor the activities of political parties.

Thank you and very warm regards.


Hon Chudi Offodile
Governorship aspirant
United Progressive Party [UPP]


The State Of Affairs In The UPP



On Tuesday the 15th of August 2017 at about 3.30pm, while on a campaign swing through Nnewi North, Nnewi South and Ekwusigo local government areas, I received notification of my indefinite suspension pending the determination of “my case” by the disciplinary committee of the Anambra state chapter of the UPP. Another aspirant for the office of governor, Chief Osita Chidoka was similarly suspended. Whoever came up with the idea to suspend the only two governorship aspirants in the UPP, four days to a scheduled primaries due on the 19th of August 2017, does not wish the party well and has a lot of explanation to make.


The national headquarters of the party responded swiftly by dissolving the state executive committee with ‘immediate effect’. This terminology you may recall was popularized by the military regimes of yore and should not be part of our democratic lexicon. And the action even if well intentioned, is not in the interest of the party and the national headquarters may have acted ultra vires its powers. If the action of the state chapter was curious, equally curious was the reaction of the national headquarters. Why dissolve the state executive committee four days to a primary election in which the state executive committee has crucial roles to play?


The fact is that the contending parties have been at loggerheads for several weeks over the list of delegates for the governorship primaries. The list of delegates elected at the ward and local government levels was unilaterally amended by the national headquarters to the chagrin of the party rank and file, yours truly inclusive. The state chapter waged a relentless battle with the national headquarters insisting on the sanctity of the delegates list. Obviously, someone stands to gain from the alteration of the delegates list but it would not have mattered if the alterations were legally done. No one or organ of the party can unilaterally remove a ward chairman or secretary or indeed any officer of the party duly elected and engage in whimsical replacements.


The threat of sanctions by the national headquarters apparently triggered the bizarre indiscriminate suspensions unleashed by the state executive on the 15th of August 2017. Earlier that day, as we now know, Justice Y Halilu of the FCT High Court, in suit no CV/2658/17 between Obi Emekekwue [Assistant publicity secretary UPP Anambra state] and United Progressive party and five others, gave an interim order directing the defendants to follow its time table/guidelines and constitution in all its activities pending the hearing and determination of the originating motion. The suit was adjourned to the 29th of August 2017 for definite hearing.


The issues for determination before the court are

[1] Whether members of the local government and ward committees, having been elected and inaugurated, can be unilaterally amended or altered by any member of the party outside the local government area congress and ward congress that elected them?

[2] Whether having regard to article 12[1] & [35] and article 23 [3] of the UPP constitution, any other person or member of the party other than the Anambra state chairman of the party can preside over the Anambra state congress for the purpose of the governorship primary election?

These two issues need to be carefully resolved in order to preserve and protect the integrity of the primaries and the court has mandated the UPP to follow its constitutional provisions in the conduct of the primaries.


On the issue of my suspension from the party, I have since forwarded to the state secretariat all relevant documents submitted during the screening exercise and the mode of payment of the nomination fee, Guarantee Trust Bank draft dated 27/7/17 in the sum of five million Naira and five hundred thousand Naira in favor of UPP. I did not make any payment to the personal account of the national chairman of UPP, Chief Chekwas Okorie or any other person. The allegations are false and I expect a retraction from the state chapter of the party.


Hon. Chudi Offodile

UPP Primary: Biafra Group Flays Chekwas Okorie on Mutilated List

The DG of Movement of Biafrans in Nigeria, MOBIN, Mrs Eberechukwu Anigbogu, 2nd from right, reading an address at a press briefing to protest what they called mutilation of delegates list by the UPP hierarchy, Aug 17, 2017, in Awka.

The Movement for Biafrans in Nigeria, MOBIN, has accused the Chekwas Okorie-led United Progressive Party, UPP, of changing the delegates list for the primary of the party in order to favour a certain interest. This is just as one of the two governorship aspirants of the party, Hon Chudi Offodile, called on the party to stick to due process by adhering to the guidelines and constitution of the party in all its activities.
Addressing newsmen in Awka last Thursday ahead of the party’s primary election slated for Saturday, August 19, in his office, Offodile described as illegal, the alteration of the delegates list of the party, insisting that no organ of the party could unilaterally remove a ward chairman, secretary or indeed, any officer duly elected, and engage in what he called whimsical replacements.
It will be recalled that the Anambra State Chapter of the UPP had recently announced the suspension of its two guber aspirants, Offodile and Osita Chidoka, on trumped up charges, a development that was followed by the dissolution of the state executive committee of UPP by the national headquarters of the party.
But Offodile said such action reminded one about happenings in the military era, describing the action of the national headquarters as beyond its powers.
‘If the action of the state executive was curious, equally curious was the reaction of the national headquarters. Why dissolve a state executive committee four days to a primary election in which the state executive committee has crucial roles to play? Offodile queried.
He said that it was the threat by the national headquarters that triggered what he called the indiscriminate and bizarre suspensions unleashed by the state exco on August 15, even as he referred to an interim order by an FCT High Court which directed the defendants to follow the party’s timetable/guidelines and constitution in all their activities, pending the hearing and determination of the originating motion.
He gave the issues at stake as whether elected and inaugurated members of the local government and ward committees could be unilaterally amended or altered by any member of the party outside the local government area congress and ward congress that elected them; as well as whether any member or any other person of the party, other than the state chairman, could preside over the state congress for the governorship election in line with Article 12 (11) and (35) and Article 23 (3) of the party constitution.
He said that the two issues must be resolved in order to preserve and protect the integrity of the party’s primary election, especially following the court order for the adherence of the party to due process.
But reacting to developments in the party, MOBIN which says it is an affiliate of the Indigenous People of Biafra, IPOB, under the leadership of Committee of Elders, stated that it had become necessary for it to address the public on its quest for the self-determination of the Biafran people through due process of the law, which, it pointed out, included political, diplomatic and judicial processes.
Speaking through its director general, Mrs Eberechukwu Anigbogu, MOBIN said it had consequently reached an agreement with the national leadership of UPP to form a partnership for building the party as a Biafran brand.
On the trending matter in the party, MOBIN said it was against established democratic norms, while condemning what it called the fragrant violations and bizarre abuses perpetrated by the leadership of the UPP at national level, as led by Chief Chekwas Okorie.
It said the UPP national leadership instead of ratifying the delegates’ list for conducting the Anambra State governorship primaries, chose to sit in its Abuja national secretariat to mutilate the list by adding and removing names, re-designating several elected officials, with the single aim of deciding for their nefarious purpose, those who should be the delegates for the Anambra primaries against the express provisions of the UPP Constitution and the Electoral Act.
‘This was done in such a bizarre manner that a particular candidate has already been favoured by the doctoring that went on across board in all the LGAs of the state. This act of impunity saw a man taking up the position of women’s leader in some wards, dead people taking the posts of chairmen and many chairmen downgraded as vice or other offices.
‘Some were even taken off completely. What an act of rascality by people bestowed with public trust!,’ she stated.
Using the Anambra East LGA Ward executive list as an example of the said mutilation that occurred in all the LGAs, MOBIN claimed that Anambra East LGA had a total of 15 wards which gave a total of 75 delegates. It said that each produced 5 delegates namely: Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Women’s Leader, and Youth Leader.
She said that in Nando Ward III, the entire list was excluded by the national, even as it also gathered that the reason for the ‘strange exclusions of some ward lists by the national exco was for the perceived absence of party members loyal to their favoured candidate, and replacements of which they were working out as we speak.
‘These illegal and fraudulent re-designation and replacements of elected officials is purposely meant to deny these authentically elected ward executives their rights to vote at the Anambra guber primary. As said, in some cases, the entire lists submitted by the State EXCO for some wards were totally thrown out and new names imported. It is important to state at this juncture that many of these imports are not UPP members but drafted for the purpose of using them for the primaries only.
‘How can you go to primary with this level of manipulation and criminality? Where’s is the Biafra Ideology? Where’s the fairness? Where is the Democracy the UPP has promised?’ she queried.
Consequently, the group vowed never to be part of a system that upheld injustice, criminality and impunity, adding that it could never support any candidate that emerged from the skewed process, even if he was a pro-Biafran.
It said that MOBIN, being a political arm of the Indigenous People of Biafra that went into an alliance with UPP, insisted that the party must do what was right before the law by respecting the party constitution.


Family Of Five died mysteriously after eaten

Grief overwhelmed indigenes of Ndieke Umuatuegwu Uhuobo, Okija, in Ihiala Local Government Area of Anambra State yesterday, as the corpses of five members of the same family, who died after a meal of garri and soup, were brought home from the hospital.

Tears flowed freely as villagers wept for Albert Chukwudiebele, his wife and three children, who died following food they ate in the evening.

Trouble started for the family at the weekend when Chukwudiebele ate the food prepared by his wife, on return from work, His wife also ate the food as well as their three children.

Not quite long after eating, it was gathered, Chukwudiebele complained of stomach pains and started vomiting blood soon after. The children also had the same problem. Before help could come, the lastborn of the family, aged three, died.

Chukwudiebele, his wife and the other two children were rushed to the hospital for medical attention, where they died.

A source said Chukwudiebele’s wife was the last to pass on yesterday, before villagers brought the victims’ corpses home, with a decision to find out what happened to them in a traditional way.

It was gathered that the only survivor in the family was the 95 years old mother of Chukwudiebele, who did not eat the food.

A team of policemen from Okija Division, led by the Divisional Police Officer, Superintendent of Police Musa Ibrahim, stormed the Chukwudiebele compound a few minutes after their corpses were brought home yesterday, but it was hectic controlling the surging crowd of mourners and sympathizers, including commercial motorcyclists who thronged the compound to catch a glimpse of the dead bodies.

Police Public Relations Officer for the Anambra State Command, Nkiru Nwoke, an Assistant Superintendent of Police, confirmed the incident, saying the victims’ corpses had been evacuated to the mortuary, pending autopsy report.

She said the police had commenced investigation into the incident.

A family of six also died months back under same circumstances in Ekwulumili community, in Nnewi South Local Government Area of Anambra State.

Source: Daily Sun

One feared dead as Police, IPOB clash in Anambra

ONE person was feared dead, yesterday, at Ekwulobia in Aguata Local Government Area of Anambra State during a clash between security operatives and members of the Indigenous People of Biafra, IPOB.

The heavy presence of security operatives, including the police, the army and the navy, made the people wonder what was amiss, until they learned that the IPOB leader, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, was scheduled to visit the area. Several truck loads of security operatives were sighted at Upper Iweka in Onitsha and were said to be heading to Ekwulobia for reinforcement. Despite the heavy presence of security operatives, the IPOB members were still seen parading major roads in the area, singing and waving Biafra flags. An eye witness said security men confiscated the Biafran flags, caps, shirts and other items being sold by the youths, which apparently angered the IPOB members, who allegedly tried to attack the security operatives. It was at this point, the eye witness said, the police used teargas to disperse them, adding that it was the stampede that led to the death of one person. Though the State Police Public Relations Officer, PPRO, Mrs. Nkeiru Nwode, denied the death of any IPOB member, she confirmed that there was presence of security in the area, which was to avoid breach of peace. She said: “The presence of the security men was to secure the place from being attacked by hoodlums. People should not take laws into their hands; the security operatives in Anambra are working day and night to secure the environment and are not ready to allow miscreants take over the society.” While urging the people to go about their normal businesses as Anambra was secure, she insisted that security operatives would not hesitate to deal with anybody or group that tried to cause trouble. Apparently due to the problem, Kanu was not seen in the area as at 4.00 pm, even as the security men were still patrolling the area. Vanguard recalls that it was at the same Ekwulobia that suspected IPOB members tried to disrupt church service while Governor Willie Obiano was worshipping at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church in the area. Kanu’ll return to Ekwulobia on Sunday—IPOB Reacting to the clash at Ekwulobia, IPOB described the action as a brutal murder. A statement by the IPOB Media and Publicity Secretary, Comrade Emma Powerful, said  the police officers in Anambra State were acting on the orders of the Inspector General of Police. It said despite the intimidation, IPOB leader, Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, would be at Ekwulobia on Sunday to condole with the family of yesterday’s victim. He said: “The now seemingly regular deployment of a certain kind of Nigeria Police in Biafranland, especially in Anambra State since the announcement of election boycott in Biafranland starting from the gubernatorial election come November 18 this year is becoming alarming. ”IPOB intelligence unit discovered that those posted to Nigerian Army and Police formations all over Biafranland were ordered to kill as many civilians as possible in the hope of causing chaos in the country. “We want to alert Biafrans, men and women of good conscience across the globe that the Federal Government of Nigeria has decided to kill yet another innocent person in Anambra State, in the name of holy war against IPOB. “It has been reliably gathered also that Hausa- Fulani settlements in Biafraland are awash with police and army uniforms, which makes it possible for Fulani herdsmen and other terrorists to kill with impunity. “There is a disproportionate number of Hausa-Fulani police and army officers in Anambra State and other parts of Biafranland who were posted on a mission to kill innocent Biafrans. “The order to shoot at innocent Biafrans in Ekwulobia today (yesterday) came from authorities in Abuja because there is no justification for the barbaric savagery frequently exhibited by the army and police in Nigeria against the Ekwulobia incident. “The entire police and army personnel in Anambra State today are now staffed and manned by exclusively handpicked by Inspector General of Police and Chief of Army staff. “We are also aware that the new terrorists group posted to Anambra State with the Police and Army uniforms by Nigeria Government is sent to terrorize Biafran population in the hope of intimidating us into silence.

Source: Daily Sun

Ozubulu: Police invite ‘Bishop’ for questioning

Anambra State Police Command has invited Chief Aloysius Ikegwuonu, alias Bishop, the man said to be the target of the August 6, 2017, attack on St. Philip’s Catholic Church, Ozubulu, Anambra State, for questioning next Friday.

The police, however, said they have no need to arrest him, as he was equally a victim of the attack that claimed the lives of 13 people.

Ikegwuonu returned to his community on Saturday and attended Mass at St. Philip’s the next day.

The Police Public Relations Officer, ASP Nkeiru Nwode, who disclosed this to newsmen while responding inquiries, said the police had already invited Bishop for questioning, like they did some leaders of the community.

Noting that the command was not aware of Bishop’s return, she asked: “Do you want us to arrest him? You know he is a victim. We’re not interested in his return. We’ve invited him for Friday and he must come because failure to honour our invitation is an offence.”

Meanwhile, Ikegwuonu, on Monday  visited the Nnamdi Azikiwe University Teaching Hospital, Nnewi, where he went round to sympathise with victims of the attack on St. Phillip’s Catholic Church.

Accompanied by some of his friends, he moved round the wards chatting with the victims and also asked them how the incident happened.

A source present at the hospital when he visited said: “The victims who have been traumatised since after the incidence were visibly happy over his visit.

“One of the victims, a lady, on sighting him sat up in happiness and greeted him for coming to check on them.”

Ikegwuonu, who is based in South Africa, has done some projects in the community, including tarring of roads and building of three Catholic churches, including St.  Phillip’s, which made him a household name in the area.

The attack on the church was described as sacrilege as parishioners had trooped to the church as early as 6am to attend the first Mass of the day. but around 6:45am, a gun-wielding youth stormed the church and opened fire on Ikegwuonu’s father after which he started shooting indiscriminately.

There was pandemonium as people ran for cover, but when the smoke settled, 13 persons wee shot dead while several other were injured.

Source: Sun News

Register, vote to boost Biafra struggle – BNCSA

By Anayo Okoli & Chinonso Alozie UMUAHIA—Comrade Emejuru, the leader of  Biafra National Congress in South Africa, has urged all IPOB members to register and vote in the coming Anambra governorship election in order to boost Biafra struggle and make its actualisation even faster. However, the Chief Ralph Uwazurike-led Biafra Independence Movement, BIM,  has warned other Biafran agitators, particularly the Indigenous People of Biafra, IPOB, to stop using the struggle for Biafra to cause crisis and breach of the peace in the country. According to BIM, Uwazuruike has been pursuing Biafra cause in strict compliance of the principle of non-violence and has never deviated from the principle as against what some agitating groups do. Biafra prostesters This came as the  leader of the Biafra National Congress in South Africa, Comrade Odinaka Emejuru, yesterday, called on Anambra people to go and  register ahead of the gubernatorial election in the state, as such will boost the struggle for Biafra Republic. BIM in a statement signed by the Abia Central Zonal Information Director, Mr. Anselm Ogbonna, warned other Biafra agitators to stop using the name of Biafra to cause breach of peace in Nigeria. The group also dismissed the position of IPOB on the November 18, Anambra election, and urged all eligible voters to prepare and participate in the election. The statement quoted the Abia Central leader of BIM, Mr. Felix Ezekwem as saying that “those busy campaigning against Anambra election do not know the harm they are trying to cause Ndigbo,” pointing  out that “whoever plans to obstruct Anambra election does not  mean well for himself, Ndigbo and Biafra at large. We believe in due process in our struggle for Biafra. So, people should stop using the name of Biafra struggle as an object of causing breach of peace in Nigeria.” Register to boost Biafra struggle — BNCSA Speaking with Vanguard in Owerri, Comrade Emejuru, the leader of  Biafra National Congress in South Africa, said  the number of registered voters could be used to determine the call for referendum. He said: “I want to call  on Anambra people to go and register and vote. If  Ndigbo fail to register, we will not be counted. We will be doing a lot of damage to ourselves. “If you register, then you can have the numerical strength to say that you want to pull out. In my opinion, we have not done enough. We need to encourage our people to register so that we can use it to move our struggle forward and as well determine the issue of referendum.”

source : Vanguard