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PRESS RELEASE -07/04/2017




The attention of the Customary Government of Indigenous People of Biafra (CG-IPOB) has been drawn to an online news report that the British authority would never allow Nigeria to break up. According to the report,the British High Commissioner – Mr Paul Arkwright at a public lecture titled Brexit: lesson,challenges and opportunities for Nigeria, announced that the unity of Nigeria remained non-negotiable, stressing that the country would be better under one umbrella.

The Customary Government and the entire populace of the Biafran people are not surprised with Mr Arkwright position on the unity of Nigeria. We do not expect the British Government to support the quest for Biafra restoration.Our expectation lies with the ordinary Britons on the street who overwhelmingly voted yes for Brexit even when the former Prime Minister-David Cameron  campaigned in favour of Britain being part of EU.For emphasis and record purpose,the Customary Government of IPOB has never negotiated or requested for the division of Nigeria but to restore her indigenous identity before the invasion of foreigners into her land.It is our submission that Nigeria will always remain a great Country even after Biafrans might have restored their land.


The British High Commissioner should note that Biafrans have since gone to court in suit no : FHC/OW/CS/192/2013 to establish their indigenous identity as well as their inalienable rights for self determination. We need not remind the British Envoy that from the ancient map of Africa 1492 – 1843, particularly the Map of Africa 1662 and 1707, there were three kingdoms in West Africa from where the new country called “Nigeria” was created in 1914, namely, the Kingdom of Zamfara in the North; the Kingdom of Biafra in the East; and the Kingdom of Benin/Oduduwa in the West. In the ancient times, the Kingdom of Benin extended to most parts of West Africa including Dahomey and Togo. The Kingdom of Biafra at that time extended to the present day Equatorial Guinea and some parts of Cameroun and Gabon while the Kingdom of Zamfara extended to the present day Niger Republic and Chad. Dahomey is now called Benin Republic. The truth is that every indigenous person presently dwelling in the geographical space called “Nigeria” has his or her ancestral roots from any one of these three or four kingdoms.

It is important to inform the general public that by the arbitrary sharing of African lands at the Berlin Conference in Germany in 1884-1885 to create new countries, the colonial masters placed some indigenous people of Biafra into the new country called “Nigeria” and left others in Cameroon, Gabon and Equatorial Guinea. That action has caused millions of innocent and young lives. By going to court, Customary Government of IPOB intends to correct the mistakes of our fathers without sacrificing innocent blood(s).

The Public should note that British Government through Lord Luggard created Nigeria in 1914; hence the position of Mr Arkwright is in order and expected.

Ndubuisi Anaenugwu

Director –Directorate of Information,CG- IPOB


Nnamdi Kanu trial: Court reserves ruling on review of witness protection to April 25

The Federal High Court, Abuja, on Thursday reserved ruling on whether or not it will reverse its order on witness protection in the ongoing trial of the Director of Radiozz, Nnamdi Kanu – Counsel to Kanu, Mr Ifeanyi Ejiofor told the court that he had filed an application asking the court to review its stand on protecting the identity of witnesses in the case – Justice Nyako adjourned the matter until April 25 to rule on both the application to review the witness protection order and bail .


Justice Binta Nyako, on March 27, insisted that she would not review her judgment on the issue of protecting the identity of the witnesses as long they were security operatives. “I will not vary my order on protection of security operatives; It is either they wear a mask or are behind a screen. “Security operatives need to be protected not because of this case but because of the future, and so as long as the witnesses are security personnel, they will be taken behind a screen,” Nyako said.But counsel to the defendants maintained that since some of the charges against the defendants had been struck out, there was need for the order to be reviewed to reflect the current charges. At the resumed hearing on Thursday, the prosecuting counsel, Mr Shuaibu Labaran, told the court that the matter was slated for argument on the application to review the court’s decision on witness protection. Counsel to Kanu, Mr Ifeanyi Ejiofor told the court that he had filed an application asking the court to review its stand on protecting the identity of witnesses in the case. Ejiofor said that part of the reason he filed the application was on the grounds that six out of the initial 11-count charge against the defendant were struck out. He prayed the court to vacate the order it made allowing the prosecution witnesses to give evidence behind a shield and to instead order the witnesses to testify in an open court. Mr E.I Eseme, counsel to the third defendant, Benjamin Madubugwu, in his argument, also prayed the court for the same relief, adding that his application was brought pursuant to Section 6(6) of the 1999 Constitution. He urged the court to review the order it made on Dec. 13, 2016, to shield witnesses, set aside the order and direct that all witnesses should testify in public.Eseme added that his client was not standing trial for any of the offences that required witness protection. According to him, Section 36(4) of the 1999 Constitution provides that it is mandatory for proceedings in all criminal trials to be public. He noted that there was no counter- affidavit from the prosecution, adding that it could only mean that the facts were not contradicted and so they were not opposing the application. Mr Chukwuma Ozougwu, counsel to the fourth defendant, David Nwawuisi, also towed the same line of argument and urged the court to grant the application in favour of his client. Labaran, in his reply, prayed the court to dismiss the three applications on the grounds that they were frivolous and a deliberate attempt to delay the prosecution of the case. He told the court that the claim by the defence counsel that since he did not file a counter affidavit, the court should assume that he was in support of the application should be discountenanced. According to him, if the defendants have a problem with the ruling of the court that witnesses should be protected, they should appeal the decision.

He added that moreover, it was only journalists and the general public that would not see the witnesses but only hear them as all the defendants, the lawyers and the judge would see the witnesses. He said the order was granted based on the discretionary powers given to the judge by Section 232 of the Administration of Criminal Justice Act (ACJA). Justice Nyako adjourned the matter until April 25 to rule on both the application to review the witness protection order and bail. Meanwhile, highlights lessons Nigeria can benefit from Biafra war of 1967.



The Independent National Electoral Commision has announced its readiness to commence voter card registration from Monday, 10th April 2017. In light of this, Movement of Biafrans in Nigeria(MOBIN) advises all Biafrans across Nigeria to go out and get a Voter’s Card. The INEC Voter’s Card not only enables you to vote during elections. It also acts as an alternate ID card.
The Registration is meant for those who clocked 18years and above after the 2015 general election, and also for those who either did not obtain one, or lost their previous permanent voters card. Biafrans should note that winning of election starts from mobilisation of electorates for INEC Voters Registration. Please share this information as far as possible and as wide as possible. Preach it in the streets, tell your family and friends. Remember, we can only achieve .
Biafra if we have a say in governance, and we can have a say when true Biafrans in spirit and in truth take over the mantle of leadership in all Biafraland. Let’s come out en masse for this exercise, and not limit ourselves to Facebook or Social Media political analysts and politicians without voting power.
Rememeber, he who holds political power holds the present and the future.
Let’s take over!
Please kindly tell others while you share or rebroadcast Regards.
Comrade Rita Eberechukwu Anigbogu.
Director General, MOBIN Call 07068031176 or write for more details Also visit our HQS at 1 Ogoja Street, White House Bus Stop, Trans Ekulu
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The Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), says it has not changed its proposed April date for the commencement of its Continuous Voter Registration. Mahmood Yakubu Chairman of INEC, Prof. Mahmood Yakubu, said this on Wednesday in Abuja that arrangements were on to ensure the exercise took off smoothly as scheduled.Yakubu said that the exercise would be held throughout the 774 Local Government Areas of the country. BVI Channel 1 gathered from reliable source that Voters Registration is scheduled to commence effective from Monday 10th April,2017. The Registration once started will be continuous ; it would not end at our local governments. “It will continue beyond the general elections.’’ Yakubu advised Nigerians who are 18 years and above to take advantage of the opportunity and not disenfranchise themselves. He also advised registered voters, who were yet to collect their Permanent Voters Cards (PVCs), to visit the commission’s offices where they registered to obtain them.

If Nigeria is divided, North’ll be poorest globally –Sanusi

Emir of Kano, Muhammadu Sanusi II declared in Kaduna, yesterday, that if Nigeria were to be divided, two states, Borno and Yobe would be the poorest countries in the world.
The monarch said this in his key note address at the opening ceremony of the second edition of Kaduna State’s investment Summit, with the theme “Making Kaduna Investment Destination of Choice.”
The emir also lambasted northern leaders for their complicity in further impoverishing the region through neglect of activities and policies that can improve the productivity and prosperity of the region.
He further explained that the North West and the North East regions, despite making up a significant population of the country, are the poorest in every aspect.
“We are in denial. The North West and the North East, demographically, constitute the bulk of Nigeria’s population.
“But, look at human development indices, look at the number of children out of school, look at adult literacy, look at maternal mortality, look at infant mortality, look at girl-child completion rate, look at income per capita, the North East and the North West Nigeria, are among the poorest parts of the world.
“As far back as 2000, I looked at the numbers, Borno and Yobe states, UNDP figures… Borno and Yobe states, if they were a country on their own, were poorer than Niger, Cameroon and Chad.
“Nobody saw this because we were looking at Nigeria as a country that averages the oil-rich Niger Delta, the industrial and commercial-rich Lagos, the commercially viable southeast, and you have an average.
“Break Nigeria into its component parts, and these parts of the country are among the poorest, if it were a country. And, we do not realise we are in trouble.”
Sanusi maintained that citizens in the Northern region of the country must begin to develop a change of mindset with regards to certain issues that are currently viewed as taboo.”
The Kano monarch asked some thought-provoking questions which he said leaders of the region must find answers to in order to ensure a better society.
They include: “What is our attitude towards educating our girls? What is our attitude towards child spacing, so that we can financially maintain and educate and bring up children? What is the purpose of a large population that is not educated, that is jobless, that is unemployed?”
Going further, he urged Muslims to imbibe education and stop using religion and culture to set the region backward.
“Other Muslim nations have put forward girl education. Other Muslim countries have pushed on. We are fighting culture, we are fighting civilisation. You tell me that you should not write love book in northern Nigerian.”
He also said it was wrong to burn books of science based on religion.
“What is the crime of those books?”
Going further, he questioned the right of people in having more children in the region without having the resources to take care of them.  “Of what benefit is it to the North, having three million children roaming about?”  The former Central Bank governor also seized the occasion to speak about Nigeria’s increasing debt profile. He said among other oil-producing countries in Africa, Nigeria has been “borrowing domestically to fund current expenditure” and added that the growth of Nigeria was driven largely by rising commodity prices and debt, and the module has reached the logical limit such as the collapse in oil price.
The monarch also noted that, according to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the Federal Government is spending 66 percent of its interest revenue on debt, which means only 34 percent of its revenue is available for capital expenditure, recurrent expenditure and development.
Sanusi said the 2017 budget presented by the Federal Government is a budget that goes for more debt.
“As a country, we must understand that the module of government borrowing and spending has reached its limit. Therefore, growth must only come from investment.”
The emir criticised leaders who “go to China to sign Memorandum of Uunderstanding (MoU) and come back with debt,  forgetting their areas of development.
“A nation and a state is only transformed by vision. Once that vision is lost, every other thing around the vision collapses,” the monarch noted.

Alaigbo Meets Nnamdi Kanu In Prison, Considers Political Solution.

Some eminent Igbo leaders under the umbrella of Alaig­bo Development Founda­tion (ADF) have reinvigorated the quest to secure the release of detained director of Radio Biafra, Nnamdi Kanu.
Apparently not impressed with the twists and turns in his trial, the Igbo leaders are weighing several options, including the political resolution of the matter with the federal authorities.
To secure a proper briefing and assess his health conditions, a delegation of ADF comprising the Foundation’s President of ADF, Prof. Uzodinma Nwala, its Chair­man, Federal Character Commit­tee, Mr. Max Ozoaka, the Assistant Legal Adviser, Mr. Max Alaeto, the Acting Administrative Secretary, Mr. Uzo Anyaso and Mr. Dickson Isaac Chidera, visited Kanu at the Kuje Prison in Abuja.
Prior to this, the Consultative Forum of ADF Elders met in Enu­gu on March 29, 2016, where the leaders declared their stand on the agitations for Biafra by IPOB.
 Then, ADF condemned the discriminatory way the Feder­al Government had handled the case of the detention of Kanu, de­spite calls for his release by local and foreign governments and or­ganisations and despite the fact that several courts in Nigeria had ordered for his release from de­tention.
In a statement issued on Sun­day on the group’s meeting with Kanu, ADF Publicity Secretary, Col. Justino Ezeoke (rtd), ADF described the treatment of Kanu and the reaction to the current agitation for Biafra as discriminatory when compared to the attitude of the government to Boko Har­am insurgency.
Ezeoke said that while the gov­ernment has sought and indeed negotiated with the Boko Haram insurgents who have killed thou­sands of civilians and security forc­es and destroyed millions of prop­erty, it refused to do same to IPOB which employs peaceful and non-violent methods of agitation.
He accused the administra­tion of President Muhammadu Buhari of unwilling to negotiate or even to dialogue with IPOB.
Ezeoke said that governments and leadership of various zones including political leaders, busi­nessmen, intellectuals, tradition­al rulers, human rights groups, lawyers, pan-national organisa­tions from within and outside the Southern parts of Nigeria, have ap­pealed to Buhari to release Kanu, “whom, everyone has seen, is an unarmed, non-violent prisoner of conscience.
“The unrelenting spread of na­tional and global sympathy for his release is premised on the fact that his campaign for the Biafra cause is both non-violent and does not violate any known national or in­ternational laws, but rather is pro­tected by the fundamental con­stitutional rights of freedom of speech and political agitation, guaranteed even by the Nigerian Constitution.
“Given the national and global reactions against Nnamdi Kanu’s unlawful detention, one would ex­pect the democratically-elected government of President Buha­ri to have released him long time ago, and at the same time investi­gate the root cause of his claims in the name of Biafra and the people of Biafra. It is the failure to release an unarmed non-violent politi­cal agitator that has led to sever­al cases of shooting and killing of innocent civilians, particularly the youths and wounding of many more in several parts of the South East and South-South zones of Ni­geria he said.
ADF said that separatist de­mands, especially when it is a case of yearning for political freedom is hardly eliminated through the use of brute force; “rather a polit­ical solution involving dialogue and negotiation are a historical­ly hallowed path for dealing with such a situation. And if the pre­sent government is willing to fol­low this path in dealing with the Boko Haram and the Niger Delta Militants, why not the IPOB and the Movement for the Sovereign State of Biafra (MASSOB)?”
On the meeting with Kanu in prison, ADF said it was convinced that Kanu is driven by genuine love for justice, equity and free­dom, adding that “he represents a generation of Nigerian youths from different zones, who feel the Nigerian federation lacks the ba­sic ingredients of democracy and rule of law, and the basic norms of a normal human society. The de­mand for renegotiating the foun­dations for the existence of the Nigerian federation has been a perennial agitation by all the dif­ferent ethnic nationalities as well as all those who wish for a peace­ful co-existence among the vari­ous ethnic nationalities in the Ni­gerian Federation.”

BREAKING: Major Cabinet Reshuffle to take place, as Buhari Forwards Names of New Ministers to Senate

President Muhammadu Buhari has sent names of two new ministerial nominees to the Senate for confirmation.
A source close to the Senate told our correspondent that the letter arrived the Senate late Tuesday.
The source revealed that the two nominees are from Kogi and Gombe state.
Our correspondent gathered that the Kogi nominee will be replacing the late Minister of State for Labour, Barr. James Ocholi while the nominee from Gombe would be replacing former Minister for Environment Ms Amina Mohammed who had gone to serve in the United Nations as a deputy Secretary General.
The list of ministerial nominees is coming at a  time when the Senate stood down for two weeks consideration of the request of President Buhari for the appointment of Resident Electoral Commissioners (RECs).
The Senate based its decision on what it termed disregard for its resolutions.
The upper legislative chamber specifically berated the President for appearing to be doing nothing about the rejection of Ibrahim Magu a the Chairman of the EFCC but allowing him to function in acting capacity.
The senate stressed that it was wrong to leave any appointee in acting capacity even after he had been rejected twice by the senate.


This is to remind you of CG-IPOB weekly  training scheduled to hold this wednesday April 5th at Barnhill Hotel,Agu Awka.Time is 3pm.



Directorate of Information,CG-IPOB

5 arrested as soldiers, police clash with MASSOB

The Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS) of the Anambra State Police Command, yesterday stormed the Ogbaru office of the Chief Ralph Uwazuruike-led Movement for the Actualisation of the Sovereign State of Biafra (MASSOB), otherwise called Biafra Independent Movement (BIM), and arrested the group’s Anambra North Security Commander, Christian Oguchi Kato and four other members.

Following this, MASSOB has given the police 48 hours to release the arrested members, threatening  to paralyse business activity in Anambra State if this is not done.


News gathered the invading policemen first arrived the MASSOB office in the morning, arrested the five MASSOB members and also took away documents and other property. 

The police team returned two hours  later, but was confronted by MASSOB members, leading to the invitation of soldiers, who arrived in three Hilux vans.

Reacting, the Anambra North Zonal Leader of MASSOB, Emmanuel Omenka, said: “They should not take our posture for weakness. After 48 hours, if our security man is not released, we will ground business activities in Onitsha and environs.”

According to him, “we do not know where they have taken our five members. The police took two of our motorcycles and ransacked the office and even invited the soldiers to help them deal with us.”

In her reaction, the Ogbaru Regional Director, Mrs. Virginia Ubazuonu, condemned the action of the police and military, adding: “Enough is enough; we can no longer take this.”

When contacted for comments, the police spokesperson in the state, Nkeiruka Nwode, said she would get back to our reporter, but never did as at the time of filing this report.

Source: Sun News.


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