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GOOD MORNING BIAFRA: Let Your Work Speak For You.

Today 22/02/217.

Everybody must not agree with us. Our message is simple:Follow your ideology and let your work speak for you where ever you found yourself. No country has ever fought for freedom with one voice or one group. It is not right to attack me because I am not following your Leader.

For several years, our people have followed blindly without asking necessary questions. They have followed foolishly. I want to present those questions here:

1. How exactly do you want to separate our people from Nigeria?

2. If we reject Nigeria, why do we still use her naira and Nigeria passport?

3. What is Biafra ideology and how do we think we can make Biafra better than Nigeria?

4. To what extent do we trust the few people leading pro Biafra groups? Are they humble or arrogant? How do they treat the people they are leading?

5.What would Biafra constitution look like? What of the political and economic structures of the proposed nation? What of education and health system?

6.How do we recruit Biafra politicians? What of civil and public servants?

7. What of foreign policy and defence?

Customary Government of IPOB has always been guided by the above questions. Several Biafra institutions have been set up to start responding to the above questions even as we are still in Nigeria. We have since addressed the first question. From the beginning, we announced that we shall restore Biafra without breaking Nigeria laws or wasting innocent blood. Consequently, legal, diplomatic and political processes were adopted. We have just announced the activation of political strategy through the Customary Govt political arm – MOBIN. MOBIN has gone into alliance with UPP, a registered political party in Nigeria.

We have also, notified the public that Biafra stands for equity, fairness and justice. Biafra will be led by humble and visionary Leaders with fear of God. Nigeria has never offered us a level playing ground, hence, the justification to embark on this sacred mission to restore our ancient Nation- Biafra. We are being open and straightforward .We are ready to debate anybody anywhere.

Good morning.

Ndubuisi Anaenugwu
Director – Directorate of Information, CG-IPOB

Radio Biafra Now APC Propaganda Machine Against Biafra Political Movement.

It has come to the attention of the Customary Government of Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) that some Nigerian Politicians are jittery over the recent activation of the last strategy to restore Biafra Political Strategy. These Politicians have money, power, media coverage, security and unlimited access to our enemies.
A principal officer of IPOB Customary Government, Mr Ndubuisi Anaenugwu Director – Directorate of Information spoke to BVI Channel 1, saying
“We have none except God and millions of innocent lives wasted during the civil war including the poor masses scattered everywhere in Nigeria and world over. The general public is hereby put on red alert on the activities of the agents of power drunk politicians.
Their strategy is to hire thousands of unemployed youths to engage us on social media freedom fighting. Their operational modus is to use foul languages and threat including throwing stones to silence genuine and responsible Biafrans. From the evidence clearly showing on line revealed that 90% of such attacks are coming from Radio Biafra handlers and their followers.”
He went further to say that the Customary Government of IPOB wishes to inform the general public that the quest to restore Biafra is a divine mandate. No human force can stop or kill an ideological drive devoid of materialism. The public is advised not to be confused by the activities of social media freedom fighters who lack the knowledge and wisdom to appreciate the meaning of freedom fighting.
For emphasis, the last phase of freedom fighting ends with political process. The Customary Government of IPOB has gotten to that stage. This is the time to test our popularity before the people we want to liberate. If we fail, we shall go back to the drawing board. If we win, Biafra wins.
Let nobody deceive you that our quest is personal. The enemies are scared of our intellectual might. Biafrans should count themselves lucky that men of proven integrity, men of greatest wisdom and unparalleled knowledge have come out to restore our indigenous identity.
As a civilized Team, the Customary Government of IPOB has thrown up an open challenge to engage any person, group, organization, Nations etc on an open debate in any platform as per our sacred mission to achieve Biafra.

Putin Orders Russian Media To Bash US President Donald Trump.

Russia’s love affair with President Donald Trump might be over before it started. Russian coverage of the new White House administration has waned over the past two weeks in a sign that the Kremlin does not expect to have better relations with Trump than it did with his predecessor, former President Barack Obama.

The findings are based on a study from the RBC news agency that monitored coverage from major Russian networks, which tend to be controlled by the Kremlin. The study looked at Pervyi Kanal, Rossiya 1, Rossiya 24, TV Tsentr, Pyatyi Kanal, NTV, RBC TV, Life and Zvezda over three Sundays in February and counted all mentions of the president’s name. Russian TV, for example, said the name Trump roughly 153 times on Feb. 5. A week later, that fell to about 116 mentions. By the third week of the review, Trump only came up about 38 times.

When Trump is mentioned, the conversation tends to be less than glowing, RBC found. He was increasingly being compared to Obama and questions about his ability to repair relations between Washington and Moscow had also become routine.

Russian journalist Konstantin Eggert wrote last week in an op-ed published in Deutsche Welle that the Russian media had received orders from the Kremlin to only show Trump in a negative light. The shift appears to mark a sudden turnaround for Russia.

During the 2016 presidential election, Trump vowed to maintain a “very, very good relationship” with Russia, and many Russians interviewed at the time by ABC News said they preferred the New York real estate magnate over Hillary Clinton, his Democratic rival. A YouGov agency in April similarly found Russia was the only major nation to back Trump over Clinton. At the same time, the Obama administration said Russian hackers were leaking emails from Democratic officials to help fuel Trump’s campaign. Clinton later won the popular vote in November, while Trump became president after securing the Electoral College Vote.

Source: IBTimes News.


CBN: Naira Depreciates Further Now N520/$1.00

The Central Bank of Nigeria, CBN, has rolled out a new foreign exchange window to stem the tide of demand pressures which had battered the Naira in the unofficial foreign exchange market. But the new measures, which increased supply of foreign exchange resources to the market, came on stream, yesterday, just as the fortunes of Naira nose-dived further in the parallel market, closing N520/ USD1.

This was also coming against the backdrop of a surge being recorded in foreign reserves. Nigeria’s foreign reserves climbed more than one year high to cross over $29 billion with strong indication of hitting $30 billion before end of first quarter 2017, barring any negative development in the external sector. But currency dealers have continued to witness excess demand which broke the N500/$1 mark two weeks ago and has since pressured upwards, with dealers yesterday speculating that the trend would continue through this week.

Transactions at the CBN’s new forex window meant to meet the needs of Nigerians for personal and business travel, medical needs, and school fees, are to be settled at a rate not exceeding 20 percent above the interbank market rate. In a statement, titled ‘New Policy Actions in the Foreign Exchange Market, signed by its Acting Director of Corporate Communications, Mr Isaac Okoroafor, the apex bank said all banks would receive amounts commensurate with their demand per week, which would be sold to customers who meet usual basic documentary requirements. The apex bank stated: “The CBN would meet the needs of parents, guardians and sponsors who are seeking to make payments of school and educational fees for their children and wards. Such payments must be made by commercial banks directly to the institution specified by the customer. “This would also apply to customers seeking to make payments, or purchase foreign exchange, for medical bills and paid directly to hospitals. The supply of FX to retail end-users (PTA, BTA, school fees, medical bills, etc) would be sustained by the CBN.”
Source: Vanguard Newspaper.

Biafra Agitation: 177 Radio Biafra Followers Killed By Nigeria Army – Amnesty

Military clampdown on Radio Biafra faction of agitators for Biafra resulted in 177 deaths in the South-east last year.On the military’s action against  the  Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), the report said  the group lost over 177 members between January and February 2016.

Amnesty reported: “The military was deployed in 30 out of Nigeria’s 36 states and in the Federal Capital Territory of Abuja where they performed routine policing functions, including responding to non-violent demonstrations. The military deployment to police public gatherings contributed to the number of extra-judicial executions and unlawful killings.

“Since January, in response to the continued agitation by pro-Biafra campaigners, security forces arbitrarily arrested and killed, at least, 100 members and supporters of the group, Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB). Some of those arrested were subjected to enforced disappearance.

“On February 9, soldiers and police officers shot at about 200 IPOB under Radio Biafra, who had gathered for a prayer meeting at the National High School in Aba, Abia State. Video footage showed soldiers shooting at peaceful and unarmed IPOB members; at least, 17 people were killed and scores injured.”

The group also said no fewer than 60 people were killed in a joint security operation carried out by the Army, Police, Department of State Security (DSS) and Navy. “Pro-Biafra campaigners had gathered to celebrate Biafra Remembrance Day, in Onitsha (Anambra State). No investigation into these killings had been initiated by the end of the year.”

29 children, 211 others die in military cells in Nigeria. Amnesty International (AI) has reported that a total of 240 people, including children and babies, died in military cells in Maiduguri, Borno State in 2016.

Also contained in the report  “Bodies were secretly buried in Maiduguri’s cemetery by the Borno State Environmental Protection Agency staff. Among the dead were, at least, 29 children and babies, aged between newborn and five years.”

“Thousands of people have died in these camps due to severe malnutrition. In June, in a guarded camp in Bama, Borno State, the NGO Médecins Sans Frontières reported over 1, 200 bodies had been buried within the past year.”

Amnesty said the International Criminal Court (ICC) was considering eight human rights cases in Nigeria, with the view to determining whether they would be investigated.

Source: Sun Newspaper.

Fulani Herdsmen kill 21 In Fresh Southern Kaduna Attacks

No fewer than 21 persons have been reported killed in villages of Kaura and Jema’a Local Government Areas in southern Kaduna State.
The state government yesterday confirmed the renewed attacks as the Garrison Commander of the  Army’s 1 Division and the Commissioner of Police relocated to the area.
It was learnt that gunmen suspected to be Fulani herdsmen, despite the presence of security agents, launched attacks on four communities, killing 21 people.
Many houses were reportedly set ablaze during the Sunday and Monday attacks on Ashim, Nissi and Zilan in Atakad District, Kaura Local Government and Bakin Kogi in Goska District of Jama’a Local Government.
The attacks in Ashim, Nisi and Zilan, according to eye witnesses took place yesterday at about 6:00pm, claiming 15 lives; over 50 houses were burnt. Those at Bakin Kogi occurred on Sunday at about 5:00pm, claiming seven lives; many houses were set ablaze.
The President of Atakad Community Development Association, Mr. Enock Andong, who confirmed the attack on the three villages, said the herdsmen were heavily armed and that in spite of the security presence, they launched the attacks.
He noted that one of the attackers was killed by soldiers.
Enock Barau, a resident of Bakin Kogi, told of how the gun bearing herdsmen invaded his village, saying they wore black dresses. They started shooting sporadically on arrival in the village, he said.
He said the attack lasted for about four hours. His community, with the support of soldiers, tried to repel the attackers.
Said Barau: “Yesterday (Sunday) around 5pm, we heard gunshots within our surrounding. When I heard the gun shots three times, I came out of my house. The gunshots continued rapidly. Before I could realise what was happening, they had surrounded part of the community. I saw many people coming down from the hill side, shooting and running. They were in a complete black and black from head to toe.
“As they were shooting, we managed to evacuate women out to a safe zone while the men stayed for defence. The shooting started  around 5 pm to 9pm before they eventually stopped. As they were shooting, they were burning our houses. Over 100 houses were set ablaze. Seven people were killed and one person is still missing.
“We have soldiers and policemen stationed in the community, but, unfortunately, the soldiers were just coming from the river where they went to have their bath. So they were caught unawares. The herdsmen took control of their camp and the soldiers had to run back to strategies to take over their camp. “We are very impressed with the  soldiers because they did their best.
“After taking over their camp from the herdsmen, some of the soldiers moved into the community to help us. But the mobile police whose Armoured Personnel Carrier (APC) was stationed directly opposite my house didn’t do much; they were just driving up and down without firing a single shot at the gunmen. The police only started responding to the attack when a senior officer arrived. By the time a reinforcement arrived, the attackers had left”.

Source: Nation Newspaper.


Pro-Biafrans Adopt UPP As National Party

Leaders of pro-Biaf­ran organizations across the world met over the weekend to adopt the United Progressive Party (UPP) as Biafra’s national party.
The groups in its meeting in Enugu, where they were hosted by the leadership of UPP, led by its National Chairman, Chief Che­kwas Okorie, vowed to take over the leadership of the old Biafran region, starting with Anambra.
It also announced the formation of Movement of Biafrans in Nigeria (MOBIN), saying, “Since Nigeria has resolved to deny us the right to self-determination, we have also resolved that they can no more continue to decide who runs our ancestral nation of Biafra. Today, we resolve to take over our territory through political means. We are calling on pro-Biafrans today to join us and run for political positions. It’s our home and we shall win.
“Never again shall security forces kill our children in our homes because a stooge of the Nigerian state is the governor. Never again shall our people be subject to underdevelopment and lack of jobs and remain helpless. We shall vote in our own politicians and hold them responsible for quality governance in our land”, said Rita Anigboogu, the Coordinator-General of MOBIN in an interview with the BVI Channel 1”
Also, speaking on the matter, Engr Anthony Aniebue, Administrator of the Customary Government of IPOB told BVI Channel 1, “We cemented our relationship of working together with the UPP in making sure that we enthrone Biafranism in all Biafra land.



Trump Deploys ‘Iron Soldiers’ To Europe,Warns Russia Over Ukraine.

The U.S government led by President Donald Trump says its Army’s 3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, is ready for any mission to protect the territorial integrity of its allies in Europe, warning Russia over its invasion into Ukraine, U.S. European Command’s Deputy Commander, Air Force Lt. Gen.

Timothy Ray, gave the warnings on Monday at the unit’s consolidation and validation event at U.S. European Command, according to a statement obtained by newsmen from the U.S. Department of Defense.

He said “these ‘Iron Soldiers’ send a clear signal of our commitment as they round out our joint team’s capability in a very significant way. “The events in 2014, and the trans-Atlantic declarations from the Wales and Warsaw Summits, demonstrate the indivisibility and unity of the alliance in light of Russia’s invasion into Ukraine.

“These events forged a commitment, and a plan, to build our defense and deterrence posture in Europe. “Know that our commitment to defense is rock-solid. We must maintain the territorial integrity of our alliance and maintain a Europe that is whole, free, prosperous and at peace,” Ray said. He said the unit’s deployment to Europe was part of Operation Atlantic Resolve, designed to reassure NATO allies and partners in the region after Russia invaded Ukraine. Ray said the arrival of the combat team was just one aspect of America’s commitment to the region through “increased presence”.

Read more at:

Okorocha & Obiano War: How The 2 Governors Tore Each Other TO Shred.

THE recent verbal war between the camps of Governor Rochas Okorocha of Imo State and his Anambra State counterpart, Chief Willie Obiano, may have ultimately how disunited South East Governors’ Forum has been. But more light has thrown on what actually happened and the true involvement of the two governors in question.

Media aides of both governors went out, all guns blazing recently, apparently to showcase their ability to defend their bosses well, by writing unprintable things. Surprisingly, both governors were not in the country at the time the media were awash with the attacks from both sides. While Okorocha was in South Africa, Obi was enjoying his vacation in the United States of America, USA, and it was after the dust settled that people realized that the two governors did not sanction the writings in the first place. Newly elected president of Ohanaeze Ndigbo, the apex Igbo socio cultural organization, Chief Nnia Nwodo, has taken it upon himself to resolve the matter as he realized that the altercation between the two governors was a merely distracting  the Igbo nation from what is important.

Okorocha, Obiano Principled disagreement Nwodo said: “What happened between Okorocha and Obiano is just storm in a tea cup and it has been accentuated by media aides in the way they addressed it. They had a principled disagreement about a representation of which number of governors was crossing from one political party to the other. One made an assertion and the other made a denial. “The rebuttals were taken over by their press aides and put in such unpalatable light that it embarrassed their superiors. When it happened, I called Governor Okorocha, but he was in South Africa.

He was not even in Nigeria at the time the rebuttals were issued instantaneously and replied and claimed not to have seen the rebuttals before their publication. “Governor Obiano, on the other hand, was totally embarrassed. He said to me, this is not my language. I could not have gone this far. I was prepared to discipline my staff until they presented a defence of the Imo governor’s writing, but they did not bother to contact me before writing those things. “They felt they were doing me a favour. He said, how could I discuss my colleague in that manner? Two wrongs don’t make a right. So, in the circumstance, he made a phone call to Okorocha and they both discussed and put it behind them. And they have both respected my plea for an injunction that this matter should not go ahead and that has happened. We are planning to have a meeting of all the South East governors soonest where we will meet and discuss the basis of how we will move forward.”

Also worried by the development, the Association of South East Town Unions, ASETU, frowned at the way the camps of the two governors handled the matter. Describing the conflict as diversionary, the union regretted that instead of working for the development of their areas, the two governors engaged in the politics of vilification, thereby diverting the attention of the people from the economic recession that had brought a lot of hardship to Nigerians.

Source: Vanguard News.




Ex-Rangers Star Obiekwu Slumps And Dies In Action

Tragedy has again struck Nigerian football after former Enugu Rangers star, Henry Obiekwu slumped and died while playing a friendly game in on Monday.
Former Super Eagles defender Kingsley Obiekwu aka ‘Shagari’ confirmed the passing away of his younger brother Henry.
Eye witnesses said right fullback Henry asked to be replaced during the friendly match with his youth team Samba FC at the UNEC Stadium in Enugu Monday morning after he complained of severe chest pain.
He later slumped and was rushed to several hospitals before he was confirmed dead at the Eastern Nigeria Medical Centre in Enugu. FC Taraba was Henry’s last club.
